CSL4200W An internal DPSB request for PSB=psbname received with RsnText=reasontext


An internal DPSB request for PSB=psbname was received with the reason text shown on RsnText=value. psbname is the PSB name for which the internal DPSB request was received. reasontext is the reason text for which the internal DPSB request was driven by ICON.

The reason text can be one of the following:
  • : ODBM has timed out.
  • PORT TIMEOUT: ICON port timed out.
  • SOCKET CLOSE: ICON received client socket connection.
  • BAD CLIENT: ICON detected a malfunctioning or misbehaving client.

System action

No system action.

Operator response

If the subsequent CSL4201W message indicates a ROLLBACK was successful then the internal DPSB was for an application that did not complete successfully and resulted in a ROLLBACK. Notify the application programmer with the contents of the CSL4200W, CSL4201W and CSL4202W or CSL4203W message.

If DIAGPSBMAG=NONE was set, take a dump of ODBM to keep track of the trace records cut when the CSL4200W message was issued and provide them to the application programmer and IBM support if required.

Programmer response

Find the application that resulted in the error and make changes based on the reason code. ODBM Timeout or PORT Timeout values may need to be changed or look at the application why it terminated without a COMMIT or ROLLBACK call.
