Return and reason codes for IMS Connect exits

Return and reason codes for HWSSMPL0, HWSSMPL1, HWSCSLO0, HWSCSLO1, and HWSDPWR1 are sent to the client in the request status message (RSM) fields RSM_RETCOD and RSM_RSNCOD.

Return codes

Table 1. Return codes for HWSSMPL0, HWSSMPL1, and HWSDPWR1
Decimal value Hex value Description
4 04 Exit request error message sent to client before socket termination. The socket is disconnected for IMS.
8 08 Error detected by IMS Connect and the socket is disconnected for IMS.
12 0C Error returned by IMS OTMA and the socket is disconnected for IMS.
16 10 Error returned by IMS OTMA when an OTMA sense code is returned in the "Reason Code" field of the RSM. The socket is disconnected for IMS. See OTMA codes
20 14

Exit requests response message to HWSPWCH/PING request to be returned to client. IMS Connect keeps the socket connection because the PWCH/PING came in on a new socket connection or an existing persistent socket connection that is not in conversational mode or waiting for an ACK/NAK from the client application.

IMS Connect can also determine whether to keep the connection depending upon the socket status after sending a user-defined message back to the client application.

24 18 SCI error detected, see CSL codes for reason codes. The socket is disconnected for IMS.
28 1C OM error detected, see CSL codes for reason codes. The socket is disconnected for IMS.
32 20 IRM_TIMER value expired. When this return code is issued, the value of the corresponding reason code is not a code, but rather the time interval that was in effect for the IRM_TIMER. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.
36 24 A default IRM_TIMER value expired. Either the IRM_TIMER value specified was X'00' or an invalid value. When this return code is issued, the value of the corresponding reason code is not a code, but rather the time interval that was in effect for the IRM_TIMER. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.
40 28 IRM_TIMER value expired. When this return code is issued, the value of the corresponding reason code is not a code, but rather the time interval that was in effect for the IRM_TIMER. The connection is not disconnected. The socket remains connected.
44 2C The DATASTORE in no longer available.
128 - 140 80 - 8C DataPower® return codes. See the DataPower documentation for a description of these return and reason codes.

Reason codes

Table 2. Reason codes for HWWSMPL0, HWSSMPL1, and HWSDPWR1
OMUSR reason code passed to exit Decimal value in RSM Hex value Description
N/A 4 04 Input data exceeds buffer size.
N/A 5 05 Negative length value.
N/A 6 06 IMS request message (IRM) length invalid.
N/A 7 07 Total message length invalid.
N/A 8 08 OTMA NAK with no sense code or RC.
N/A 9 09 Contents of buffer invalid.
N/A 10 0A Output data exceeds buffer size.
N/A 11 0B Invalid unicode definition.
N/A 12 0C Invalid message, no data.
N/A 16 10 Do not know who client is.
N/A 20 14 OTMA segment length error.
N/A 24 18 FIC missing.
N/A 28 1C LIC missing.
N/A 32 20 Sequence number error.
N/A 34 22 Unable to locate context token.
N/A 36 24 Protocol error.
N/A 40 28 Security violation.
N/A 44 2C Message incomplete.
N/A 48 30 Incorrect message length.
NOSECHDR 51 33 Security failure: no OTMA security header.
INVESECHL 52 34 Security failure: no security data in OTMA security header.
SECFNOPW 53 35 Security failure: no password in OTMA user data header.
SECFNUID 54 36 Security failure: no user ID in OTMA security header.
SECFNPUI 55 37 Security failure: no password in OTMA user data and no user ID in OTMA security header.
DUPECLNT 56 38 Duplicate Client ID used; the client ID is currently in use.
INVLDTOK 57 39 Invalid token is being used: internal error.
INVLDSTA 58 3A Invalid client status: internal error.
CANTIMER 59 3B Cancel Timer completed successfully.
NFNDCOMP 70 46 Component not found.
NFNDFUNC 71 47 Function not found.
NFNDDST 72 48 The data store was not found, or communication with the data store was stopped using an IMS Connect command.
DSCLOSE 73 49 IMS Connect in shutdown.
STP/CLSE 74 4A The data store or IMSplex was in a stop or close process, or the IMS data store has shut down or disconnected.
DSCERR 75 4B Data store communication error.
STOPCMD 76 4C The data store or IMSplex was stopped by command.
COMMERR 77 4D A data store or IMSplex communication error was sent to the pending client.
SECFAIL 78 4E Security failure. RACF® call failed, IMS Connect call failed. See IMS Connect error message on system console.
PROTOERR 79 4F IMS Connect protocol error. See IMS Connect error message on system console.
NOTACTV 80 50 The IMSplex connection is not active. The STOPIP command was issued or the SCI address space is not active.
Start of changeCANCRTPEnd of change Start of change81End of change Start of change51End of change Start of changeIMS canceled the resume tpipe request as a result of an ACKTO timeout, or a /STO TMEMBER TPIPE command.End of change
Start of changeSUSPTPIPEnd of change Start of change82End of change Start of change52End of change Start of changeIMS suspended the tpipe as a result of a /STO TMEMBER TPIPE command.End of change
ICANCRTP 83 53 IMS Connect cancels the resume tpipe request and issues message HWSD0252W. The reason for that is OTMA sent a new output before IMS Connect received a confirmation for the previous output from the client. See the HWSD0252W message service code RTPIPWFC for details of this error.
INVLDCM1 93 5D Invalid commit mode of 1 specified on the RESUME TPIPE request.
REQUEST 94 5E Request.
CONVER 95 5F Conversation.
REQ_CON 96 60 Request and conversation.
DEAL_CTD 97 61 Deallocate confirmed.
DEAL_ABT 98 62 Deallocate abnormal termination.
  99 63 Default reason code.
Start of changeN/AEnd of change Start of change113End of change Start of change71End of change Start of changeIncorrect length value in an IMS Request Message (IRM) extension or incorrect offset to the first IRM extension.End of change
Start of changeN/AEnd of change Start of change114End of change Start of change72End of change Start of changeOffset to the first IRM extension is zero.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of change117End of change Start of change75End of change Start of changeThe network user ID (NETUID) is larger than 246 bytes.

In the input message from the client, modify the OMSECDN field of the NETUID security data section so that it is no larger than 246 bytes.

End of change
Start of change End of change Start of change118End of change Start of change76End of change Start of changeThe network session ID (NETSID) is larger than 254 bytes.

In the input message from the client, modify the OMSECAR field of the NETSID security data section so that it is no larger than 254 bytes.

End of change