Preserving memory dumps

Retain all IMS memory dumps generated at or near the time of a problem.

  • SYS1.DUMP data sets should be examined:
    • Multiple dumps might be created.
    • Keep all dumps at time of failure, regardless of the subsystem.
  • SYSMDUMP for the IMS Control, DLI/SAS, and DBRC regions need to be examined in case of primary SYS1.DUMP failures.
    • Save these data sets, if a dump was produced.
  • SYSUDUMP should be saved for IMS dependent regions.
Note: If you use the z/OS-provided JCL BLSJDPFD in SYS1.SAMPLIB to generate a redacted SVC dump or a stand-alone dump (SADUMP) to send to IBM or another software vendor, ensure that you keep the original complete dump until your case has been resolved. Data removed by the tool might be necessary for solving a problem. IBM might request you to provide specific information from the original dump, even if you do not send the complete dump to IBM for data privacy reasons.