Microsoft Entity Framework 6.0 support

IBM® Data Server Provider for .NET provides support for the Entity Framework 6.0 features.

IBM Data Server Provider for .NET supports the following Entity Framework 6.0 features that are related to the Database First approach with the IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio and Visual Studio 2012 or later:
  • Asynchronous query and save
  • Code-based configuration
  • Context Log property
  • DbChangeTracker.HasChanges method
  • DbSet.AddRange method
  • DbSet.RemoveRange method
The IBM Data Server Entity Framework 6 provider is available through the NuGet package manager. You can obtain the IBM Data Server Entity Framework 6 provider through one of the following methods:
  • From the Solution Explorer window of the Visual Studio software, right-click on a project and select Manage NuGet Packages. You can search for a package that contains the IBM or EntityFramework.IBM string then select the EntityFramework.IBM.DB2 package from the list.
  • From the Package Manager Console of the Visual Studio software, issue the following command.
    PM> Install-Package EntityFramework.IBM.DB2 -Version 6.0.0
    You can also list all available packages by issuing the following command:
    PM> Get-Package -ListAvailable

The IBM Data Server Entity Framework 6 provider file name is IBM.Data.EntityFramework and the assembly version of the provider is noted in the format. The first 3 digits of the assembly version identify the client version in which the IBM Data Server Entity Framework 6 provider file was first introduced.

The IBM Data Server Client products that contain the IBM Data Server Provider for .NET contain earlier versions of the IBM Entity provider to support earlier Microsoft Entity Framework versions. For example, Microsoft Entity Framework 5.0 or earlier.