DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Processing variable-list SELECT statements in dynamically executed SQL programs

A varying-list SELECT statement is one in which the number and types of columns that are to be returned are not known at precompilation time. In this case, the application does not know in advance the exact host variables that need to be declared to hold a row of the result table.


To process a variable-list SELECT statement, code your application to do the following steps:

  1. Declare an SQLDA.

    An SQLDA structure must be used to process varying-list SELECT statements.

  2. PREPARE the statement using the INTO clause.

    The application then determines whether the SQLDA structure declared has enough SQLVAR elements. If it does not, the application allocates another SQLDA structure with the required number of SQLVAR elements, and issues an additional DESCRIBE statement using the new SQLDA.

  3. Allocate the SQLVAR elements.

    Allocate storage for the host variables and indicators needed for each SQLVAR. This step involves placing the allocated addresses for the data and indicator variables in each SQLVAR element.

  4. Process the SELECT statement.

    A cursor is associated with the prepared statement, opened, and rows are fetched using the properly allocated SQLDA structure.