SP Post-processing

The SP Post-processing task determines whether and how archived documents appear in Microsoft SharePoint.

Task summary

Table 1. SP Post-processing task summary
Characteristic Value
Task name SP Post-processing
Main purpose Specifies what remains in Microsoft SharePoint after archiving
Usable with which source connectors? SharePoint Connector
Usable with which target connectors? IBM® FileNet® P8 Connector, IBM Content Manager Connector, File System Repository Connector (which does not support the Replace with link option)
When needed Optional, but recommended to prevent duplication of documents in the target repository
Placement in task route Typically last; must follow any target repository tasks
Produces which metadata? Task Status
Configuration options

Document retention in SharePoint

You can select one of four options to govern what happens to a document in SharePoint after archiving:

  • Leave Item marks a document as processed to prevent future collection but leaves the document otherwise untouched. Users retain their existing access.
    This action:
    • Sets the Migrated column value to Yes, which effectively marks the document as processed.
    • Sets the Migrated Information column value with target repository document data, to be used for future re-collection processing.
  • Selecting Leave Item and Make item read-only (with exceptions) applies the Leave Item column processing and leaves the original document in SharePoint but prevents users from changing it. To grant selected users full privileges on a document that is read-only (with exceptions), you add users or groups to the list in Collector > Collection source > Read-Only Exceptions.

    See Microsoft SharePoint read-only exceptions.

  • Replace with link deletes the original document from SharePoint, replacing it with a hyperlink to the archived document.
    This action:
    • Creates a new document using the Migrated Document Link content type
    • Sets the Migrated column value to Yes, which effectively marks the document as processed
    • Sets the Migrated Informationcolumn value with target repository document data, to be used for future re-collection processing
    • Copies the original values for Created at, Created by, Last modified at, and Last modified to the new link document
    • Archiving changes access permissions to link documents, depending on the original permissions. The Replace with link option preserves the security of the original document. For example, if the original document security was set to inherit security from the list, then the linked document also inherits from the list. If the original document security had a unique set of permissions, then the linked document has the same set of unique permissions.
    • Copies all other metadata except for inapplicable SharePoint properties such as Order, Image size, Thumbnail, Preview, and [Image] File type
    • Deletes the original document. However, it does not replace .aspx files with links, giving this option the same effect as Leave Item
    Replace with link requires additional configuration of the CM 8.x Store Version Series or P8 Create Version Series tasks. See the related information at the end of this topic.
    Tip: Content that you retrieve by a link opens according to your client browser configuration and your installed applications. If a file does not open as expected, you might need to:
    • install an application that can open the file, and
    • add the application to your browser's list of helper applications
    Restriction: Do not select Replace with link if you are collecting from any library type that does not support multiple content types, such as Wiki or Slide, or any list, such as Announcement or Task. The attempt to replace list items with links in SharePoint fails and the content remains unchanged. You can use this option with wiki content, but the wiki content remains in SharePoint, giving this option the same effect as Leave Item.
  • Delete deletes the original document from SharePoint and leaves no trace.

If you select Leave Item and Make item read-only (with exceptions) or Replace with link, do not delete the Read permission level in SharePoint. The default permission level, Read, is used to apply read-only permissions. If this permission level does not exist an error will result.

Restore capability

Replace with link also provides the ability to restore the document content file into Microsoft SharePoint at a later point in time. This is accomplished in the Microsoft SharePoint web client by checking out the Migrated Document Link item.

Version retention in SharePoint

If you select either the Leave Item or Leave Item and Make item read-only (with exceptions) options, you can retain all the versions of a document or only the most recent version. The Most recent version only option can save disk space and avoid performance decreases without removing the document from the SharePoint server.
Exception: If the most recent version is a Minor Version, and a Major Version exists, the Most recent version only option retains both document versions.

These options do not apply to the Replace with link or Delete retention options.