Sample XML responses for operation types

Sample XML responses for the COMMANDSET, EXTRACTION, DEVICESYNC, DISCOVER, IMPORT, and REMOVE operation types are included.

Sample XML result content for the EXTRACTION operation type

<serviceWorkItem workItemId="33" type="EXTRACTION"
name="ITNCM/QA/" deviceId="2">
2012-07-27 14:12:45.985277 : Task Start Time: 2012/07/27 14:12:44.726 GMT+00:00
Task: Work submitted by service UOW 31
Device: emulcli4-17
*******************************************************2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 :
Allocating 15MB of task memory (100% of the default task memory)...2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 :
>>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (ApplyExtraction):
2012/07/27 14:12:46.568 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 :
Starting extraction 2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 :
Retrieved extraction and currentConfig2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : Result from extraction = 
2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 :
<<< Operation Finished in 1 seconds (ApplyExtraction)
: 2012/07/27 14:12:47.833 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152
Task End Time: 2012/07/27 14:12:48.254 GMT+00:00

Sample XML result content for the DEVICESYNC operation type

<serviceWorkItem status="FINISHED_SUCCESS" workItemId="34" type="DEVICESYNC"
name="DEVICESYNC" deviceId="2">
2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : Task Start Time: 2012/07/27 14:13:35.333 GMT+00:00
Task: Work submitted by service UOW 31
Device: emulcli4-17
*******************************************************2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763
 : Allocating 15MB of task memory (100% of the default task memory)
2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(constants): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.345 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (constants)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:35.345 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(getCurrent): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.345 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (getCurrent)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:35.351 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : >>>
 Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (radCheck)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:35.351 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radCheck): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.393
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(radCheckForImport): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.393 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radCheckForImport): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.402
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'
... (getConfig): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.402 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
Importing configuration for device 2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
WARNING : Using Loopback Comms Driver - device will not be accessed2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763
 : PreWrite requested : running config copied to startup config2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763
 : Configuration imported emulcli4-172012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
Device info obtained for device2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds
 (getConfig): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.405 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(modelConfig): 2012/07/27 14:13:35.405 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763
 : Using driver: cisco_router_26xx_c2600-ik9o3s-m-12.2-21a_v16.03 (DIsd0000001666)
2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : Allocating 114MB of driver memory
(94MB for the schema and 20MB for the config)
...2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : Converting CLI to XML2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Number of processed lines	442
Number successfully converted	442
Number of rejected lines	0

Conversions breakdown:
  As modeled	441
  Via CLI_LINE	1

Rejections breakdown:
  Cause undetermined	0
  Parent was rejected	0
  Invalid indentation	0

Percent converted	100.00%
2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : Conversion successful2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (modelConfig)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.041 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (reconcileAfterSync)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.041 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (reconcileAfterSync)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.041 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : >>>
 Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(getPreviousAndCurrent): 2012/07/27 14:13:36.042 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (getPreviousAndCurrent)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.042 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (diffConfigs):
2012/07/27 14:13:36.043 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Allocating 116MB of driver memory (94MB for the schema and 22MB for the config)
...2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Performing difference between two configurations2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Getting keyed configuration2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Keyed configuration got successfully2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Getting keyed configuration2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Keyed configuration got successfully2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Diffing configurations successful2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
No Differences2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (diffConfigs)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.681 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (storeConfig): 2012/07/27 14:13:36.682
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (storeConfig)
: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.699 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (modelHardware): 2012/07/27 14:13:36.699 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : Model hardware info2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778
 : Model hardware info successful2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Hardware inventory was modeled successfully2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Comparing hardware inventory with current hardware inventory...
2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : Model hardware info2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Model hardware info successful2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
Hardware inventory is identical to current2012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (modelHardware): 2012/07/27 14:13:36.887 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:40.634778 : Task End Time: 2012/07/27 14:13:36.914 GMT+00:00

Sample XML result content for the COMMANDSET operation type

<serviceWorkItem status="EXECUTING" workItemId="32" type="COMMANDSET"
name="ITNCM/QA/QA_commandset_C105" deviceId="2">
2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : Task Start Time: 2012/07/27 14:12:49.605 GMT+00:00
Task: Work submitted by service UOW 31
Device: emulcli4-17
Command Set: QA_commandset_C105
*******************************************************2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
Allocating 15MB of task memory (100% of the default task memory)...
2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(constants): 2012/07/27 14:12:49.709 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (constants): 2012/07/27 14:12:49.709 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(checkCommandSet): 2012/07/27 14:12:49.709 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (checkCommandSet): 2012/07/27 14:12:49.720 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(radCheck1): 2012/07/27 14:12:49.721 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radCheck1): 2012/07/27 14:12:49.900 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (radCompareDeviceIntelliden): 
2012/07/27 14:12:49.901 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radCompareDeviceIntelliden): 
2012/07/27 14:12:49.901 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (getRunningCompare): 
2012/07/27 14:12:49.902 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
Importing configuration for device 2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : WARNING : 
Using Loopback Comms Driver - device will not be accessed2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
Configuration imported emulcli4-172012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
Device info obtained for device2012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (getRunningCompare): 
2012/07/27 14:12:50.048 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (radNativeCompareCurrentRunning): 
2012/07/27 14:12:50.048 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radNativeCompareCurrentRunning): 
2012/07/27 14:12:50.048 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:50.57152 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (convertRunningToXml2): 
2012/07/27 14:12:50.049 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:12:55.585273 : 
Using driver: cisco_router_26xx_c2600-ik9o3s-m-12.2-21a_v16.03 
(DIsd0000001666) 2012-07-27 14:12:55.585273 : 
Allocating 114MB of driver memory (94MB for the schema and 20MB for the config)...
2012-07-27 14:12:55.585273 : Converting CLI to XML2012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : 
Number of processed lines	442
Number successfully converted	442
Number of rejected lines	0

Conversions breakdown:
  As modeled	441
  Via CLI_LINE	1

Rejections breakdown:
  Cause undetermined	0
  Parent was rejected	0
  Invalid indentation	0

Percent converted	100.00%
2012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : Conversion successful2012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 29 seconds (convertRunningToXml2): 
2012/07/27 14:13:19.832 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(getCurrentAndRunning): 2012/07/27 14:13:19.832 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (getCurrentAndRunning): 
2012/07/27 14:13:19.848 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(diffRunningAndCurrent): 2012/07/27 14:13:19.849 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : 
Allocating 116MB of driver memory (94MB for the schema and 22MB for the config)...
2012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : 
Performing difference between two configurations2012-07-27 14:13:20.62344 : 
Getting keyed configuration2012-07-27 14:13:25.623274 : 
Keyed configuration got successfully2012-07-27 14:13:25.623274 : 
Getting keyed configuration2012-07-27 14:13:25.623274 : 
Keyed configuration got successfully2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Diffing configurations successful2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 6 seconds (diffRunningAndCurrent): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.156 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (applyNativeCommandSet): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.256 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
WARNING : Using Loopback Comms Driver - 
device will not be accessed2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : Apply mode: 
Configuration Change2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Config applied to device2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (applyNativeCommandSet): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.301 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (CheckNCSResult): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.302 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (CheckNCSResult): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.302 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(radImportConfigAfterApply): 2012/07/27 14:13:26.303 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radImportConfigAfterApply): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.303 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (getConfig): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.303 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Importing configuration for device 2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
WARNING : Using Loopback Comms Driver
 - device will not be accessed2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Configuration imported emulcli4-172012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (getConfig): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.633 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>>
Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... (modelConfig): 
2012/07/27 14:13:26.634 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Allocating 114MB of driver memory (94MB for the schema and 20MB for the config)...
2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : Converting CLI to XML2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Number of processed lines	442
Number successfully converted	442
Number of rejected lines	0

Conversions breakdown:
  As modeled	441
  Via CLI_LINE	1

Rejections breakdown:
  Cause undetermined	0
  Parent was rejected	0
  Invalid indentation	0

Percent converted	100.00%
2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : Conversion successful2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Imported configuration marked as current for device2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 3 seconds (modelConfig): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.330 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(writeVerifiedChanges): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.330 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (writeVerifiedChanges): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.330 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(reconcileAfterImport): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.331 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (reconcileAfterImport): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.331 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(radImportInfoAfterApply): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.331 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radImportInfoAfterApply): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.331 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(getInfo): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.332 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : WARNING : 
Using Loopback Comms Driver - device will not be accessed2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Device info obtained for device2012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (getInfo): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.514 
GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server 'taraz5'... 
(modelHardware): 2012/07/27 14:13:30.515 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:30.633226 : 
Model hardware info2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
Model hardware info successful2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
Hardware inventory was modeled successfully2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
modeled hardware inventory was written to the database2012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (modelHardware): 
2012/07/27 14:13:31.130 GMT+00:002012-07-27 14:13:35.631763 : 
Task End Time: 2012/07/27 14:13:31.149 GMT+00:00

Sample XML result content for the DISCOVER operation type

<serviceWorkItem status="FINISHED_SUCCESS" workItemId="4" type="DISCOVER" name="DISCOVER" 
2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : Task Start Time: 
2014/02/13 21:19:12.190 GMT+00:00 ******************************************************* 
Task: Run Autodiscovery Device: Description: Work submitted by service UOW 3 ***
****************************************************2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : Allocating 
20MB of task memory (100% of the default task memory)... 2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : >>> 
Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... (CreateDevice): 2014/02/13 21:19:12.397 
GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : Created device: 2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (CreateDevice): 2014/02/13 21:19:12.439 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 
15:18:46.890821 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... (AutoDiscovery): 2014/02/13 
21:19:12.439 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : Attempting to discover device: 
2014-02-13 15:18:46.890821 : Using the following authentication sets: - Authentication resource 
'DevicePasswords' - Default system device authentication 2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : Using 
autodiscovery version: (February 12 2014 0056) 2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : Connection 
types and ports attempted: - telnet@23 ...Login Success 2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : Discovered 
vtmos for Cisco/Router/2611/12.2(19A) 2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : <<< Operation 
Finished in 31 seconds (AutoDiscovery): 2014/02/13 21:19:44.314 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 
15:19:16.90183 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... (CreateUOWImportConfig): 
2014/02/13 21:19:44.315 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : No import will be performed. 
2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (CreateUOWImportConfig): 2014/02/13 
21:19:44.315 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:19:16.90183 : Task End Time: 2014/02/13 21:19:44.346 GMT+00:00

Sample XML result content for the IMPORT operation type

<serviceWorkItem status="FINISHED_SUCCESS" workItemId="2" type="IMPORT" name="IMPORT" deviceId="1">
2014-02-13 15:02:51.505243 : Task Start Time: 2014/02/13 21:03:21.520 GMT+00:00 
Task: Import Configuration Device: Description: Work submitted by service UOW 1 
2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Allocating 20MB of task memory (100% of the default task memory)... 
2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... (constants): 
2014/02/13 21:03:22.054 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds 
(constants): 2014/02/13 21:03:22.054 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : >>> Operation Started 
on Worker Server '6410AA06'... (radCheck): 2014/02/13 21:03:22.055 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 
15:02:56.498352 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (radCheck): 2014/02/13 21:03:22.191 
GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... 
(getConfig): 2014/02/13 21:03:22.192 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Importing 
configuration for device 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Using default ResourceAccDoc for atomic 
resource '' 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Using default DeviceScript for atomic 
resource '' 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Using default FileTransfer for atomic 
resource '' 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Using default NCGD for atomic resource 
'' 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Using Authentication resource 'ITNCM/DevicePasswords' 
for atomic resource '' (**** match: */*/*/*) 2014-02-13 15:02:56.498352 : Using 
driver: cisco_router_26xx_c2600-ik9o3s-m-12.2-21a_v20130223.062211 
(IBM-8cab890d-7d35-4ae2-b474-78e67f332f6d) 2014-02-13 15:03:11.500946 : Actual Model: 2610 
(MPC860) 2014-02-13 15:03:11.500946 : Actual OS : C2600-I-M-12.1(2)T 2014-02-13 15:03:11.500946 : 
Device script used: default Device Script for this vtmos 2014-02-13 15:03:11.500946 : Normalised 
Model: 26xx 2014-02-13 15:03:26.50507 : PreWrite requested : running config copied to startup 
config 2014-02-13 15:03:31.506852 : Configuration retrieved successfully 2014-02-13 
15:03:31.506852 : Configuration imported 2014-02-13 15:03:41.514507 : Device info 
obtained for device 2014-02-13 15:03:41.514507 : <<< Operation Finished in 47 seconds (getConfig): 
2014/02/13 21:04:10.038 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:03:41.514507 : >>> Operation Started on Worker 
Server '6410AA06'... (modelConfig): 2014/02/13 21:04:10.039 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:03:41.514507 : 
Allocating 190MB of driver memory (185MB for the schema and 5MB for the config)... 2014-02-13 
15:03:41.514507 : Converting CLI to XML 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Number of processed lines 
290 Number successfully converted 290 Number of rejected lines 0 

Conversions breakdown: 
  As modeled 290 
  Via CLI_LINE 0 
Rejections breakdown: 
  Cause undetermined	0 
  Parent was rejected	0 
  Invalid indentation	0 

Percent converted 100.00% 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Conversion successful 
2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Imported configuration marked as current for device 2014-02-13 
15:03:46.518704 : <<< Operation Finished in 3 seconds (modelConfig): 2014/02/13 21:04:13.064 
GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... 
(reconcileAfterImport): 2014/02/13 21:04:13.065 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : 
<<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (reconcileAfterImport): 2014/02/13 21:04:13.065 GMT+00:00 
2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : >>> Operation Started on Worker Server '6410AA06'... (modelHardware): 
2014/02/13 21:04:13.065 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Model hardware info 2014-02-13 
15:03:46.518704 : Model hardware info successful 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Hardware inventory 
was modelled successfully 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Modelled hardware inventory was written 
to the database 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : <<< Operation Finished in 0 seconds (modelHardware): 
2014/02/13 21:04:13.448 GMT+00:00 2014-02-13 15:03:46.518704 : Task End Time: 2014/02/13 
21:04:13.528 GMT+00:00

Sample XML result content for the REMOVE operation type

<serviceWorkItem status="FINISHED_SUCCESS" workItemId="6" type="REMOVE" name="REMOVE" deviceId="1">
2014-02-13 15:21:48.204524 : Resource deleted