High-level task flow for migrating from WebSphere Business Monitor V6.2.0.3

Migrating to V8.5.6 involves the following high-level steps.

1. Preparing to migrate

  • Verify that your target installation environment fulfills all requirements.
  • Verify that your source environment is running correctly.
  • If you are using queue-based event delivery, switch to table-based event delivery before you migrate.
  • Record the remote Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) information that is configured in the source environment,
  • Have your database administrator (DBA) make a backup copy of your database.
  • If you are migrating from WebSphere Portal 6.x and want to migrate your portlet-based dashboards, save the default dashboard pages before you migrate.
Figure 1. Sample environment before migration begins. The source environment is running and transferring data to and from its databases. The deployment environment has three clusters and is configured across two nodes.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

2. Installing IBM Business Monitor V8.5.6

  • Prepare the operating system for installation.
  • Install IBM® Business Monitor V8.5.6 from the launchpad.
Figure 2. Sample environment after V8.5.6 is installed on the target. The source environment is running and transferring data to and from its databases. The target has been created but does not contain a deployment environment.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

3. Extracting monitor model applications from the source environment

  • Copy the MonitorModelMigration.py script to the deployment environment computer in the source environment.
  • Run the MonitorModelMigration.py script in the source environment to extract the monitor model applications to a specified folder.
  • Copy the folder that contains the extracted monitor model applications to the target computer.

4. Upgrading the existing databases

  • Stop the source environment.
  • Upgrade the MONITOR database schema.
  • Upgrade the Business Space database schema.
  • If you migrated from a release that did not include the IBM Cognos® BI content store database, create the database that IBM Cognos BI uses for the content store.
  • Migrate the data in the MONITOR database.
Figure 3. Sample environment after existing schemas and data are updated. The source environment is not running and the databases are not in use. The databases contain updated schemas and data. The target is not running.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

5. Configuring IBM Business Monitor

  • Create profiles. When you are creating the deployment manager, use the information from your source environment in the database configuration page of the administrative console.
  • Start the deployment manager and the custom nodes.
  • Configure the target deployment environment using the monConfig script.
  • Check the port number where IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is running, and add the port number to the virtual hosts list.
  • Stop the target deployment environment.
Figure 4. Sample environment after V8.5.6 is configured on the target. The source environment is not running. The target is not running but contains a deployment environment. The deployment environment has three clusters and is configured across two nodes.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

6. Starting the target environment

  • Manually drop the existing messaging engine tables before you start the target deployment environment. If your database type is DB2 for z/OS, manually create new messaging engine tables after dropping the existing table
  • Start the target deployment environment. Start only one Cognos server and wait for the Cognos service to be active before you start the other Cognos servers and IBM Business Monitor clusters.
  • Check to make sure that all clusters, servers, and messaging engines are started. Check the IBM Cognos BI log file to make sure that IBM Cognos BI started correctly.
Figure 5. Sample environment after the target is started. The source environment is not running. The target can read from the databases.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

7. Migrating monitor model applications to the target environment

  • Migrate the extracted monitor model applications from the source environment by running the MonitorModelMigration command.
  • Add event sources to the migrated monitor models.
  • Change the event consumption mode for each migrated monitor model to be in active state.
  • If the migrated monitor model used Alphablox cubes (deprecated since IBM Business Monitor V7.5) in the source environment, generate IBM Cognos BI cubes for the monitor model.
Figure 6. Sample environment when the MonitorModelMigration command is run. The monitor model applications are being copied to the target environment. The source environment is not running. The target can read from the databases.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

8. Migrating Business Space data

  • Migrate the Business Space data.

9. Migrating dashboards

  • If you had custom widgets in a previous release, make the widgets operational in IBM Business Monitor V8.5.6.
  • If you had an environment in the previous release with the Business Space component running on a different cell than the Representational State Transfer (REST) services, or with widgets on different cells than Business Space, update the endpoints files.
  • If you exported spaces or templates from your previous Business Space environment, import them into IBM Business Monitor V8.5.6 so that they are available to use.
  • If you had Alphablox widgets, migrate them to IBM Cognos BI widgets.
  • If you had portlet-based dashboards, configure the widgets to work with WebSphere® Portal.
Figure 7. Sample environment after migration. The source environment is not running. The target environment is running and transferring data to and from its databases.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.