
Use the idscfgdb command to configure a database for a Directory Server instance.


The idscfgdb command configures the database for a Directory Server instance. You must set the database instance owner correctly. Otherwise, the idscfgdb command fails. For more information about setting up required users and groups, see the Installing and Configuring section in the IBM® Security Directory Suite documentation.

You can also configure online backup for a Directory Server instance by using the idscfgdb command. After you configure, you cannot unconfigure online backup by using the idscfgdb command with the -c parameter.

You can configure online backup by using the idscfgdb command only during the initial stage of database creation. If idscfgdb is used to configure online backup after the database is configured, then the operation might fail. You can use idscfgdb to change the DB2® password, unconfigure online backup, or both after the configuration.

  • The -a, -t, and -l parameters must be used only during initial configuration of database.
  • The idscfgdb command sets the DB2 buffer pools to AUTOMATIC.

The instance owner specifies a database administrator user ID, database administrator password, location to store the database, and the name of the database. The database administrator user ID must exist on the system.

After successfully creating the database, the information is added to the ibmslapd.conf file of the Directory Server instance. If the database and local loopback setting do not exist, they are created. You can create the database as a local code page database, or as a UTF-8 database, which is the default.


idscfgdb [-I instance_name
         [-w db_admin_pw] [-a db_admin_id -t db_name -l db_location [-x]]
         [-collate [on|off]]
         [-c ] [-k backup_dir]
         [-s storage_loc]
         [-z ext_size]
         [-f config_file] [-d debug_level] [-b output_file] [-q]
         [-n]] | -v | -?
         [-P remote_db_server]
         [-S remote_db_port] 
         [-u remote_db_user] 
         [-p remote_db_pwd]
         [-B kdb_file]
         [-H stash_file] 


The idscfgdb command takes the following parameters.
-a db_admin_id
Specifies the DB2 administrator ID. The DB administrator must exist on the system and must have the appropriate permissions.
-b output_file
Specifies the file name to redirect console output. If you use this parameter with the -q parameter, only errors are sent to the outputfile file. If debug mode is set, then the debug output also is sent to this file.
Note: The output file is created in the CustomOut folder.
Removes the online backup configuration setup of the database, if the online backup was configured at the database configuration stage by using either the idscfgdb command.
Note: The -c parameter must not be used along with the -a, -t, and -l parameters, if the database is already configured.
-collate [on|off]
  • The default value is on if you use it with -x for local codepage.

    If the database is in the local codepage, this parameter specifies that the strings must be sorted according to the system locale.

    If the database is UTF-8, specifies that the strings must be sorted by using the UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm) collation sequence that is based on the Unicode Standard version 4.00 with normalization implicitly set to on. Details of the UCA can be found in the Unicode Technical Standard #10, which is available at the Unicode Consortium Web site (

  • The default value is off for UTF-8 database.

    The strings are sorted in binary order.

-d debug_level
Sets the LDAP debug level to debuglevel. If you specify this parameter, it sends the debug output to stdout. The debuglevel value is a bit mask that controls which output is generated with values from 1 to 65535. For more information about debug levels, see Debugging levels.
-f config_file
Specifies the customized configuration file. If this parameter is not specified, the default configuration file for the Directory Server instance is used.
Note: The customized configuration file must be uploaded to CustomIn folder before you can use this parameter.
-I instance_name
Specifies the name for the Directory Server instance to update.
-k backup_dir
Specifies the backup location for the database. You must pass this parameter to configure online backup for the database.
Note: The backup_dir directory must exist with appropriate read and write permissions for the database owner. The backup files are created in a instance_name subdirectory in backup_dir.

backup_dir is created under CustomOut.

-l db_location
Specifies the DB2 database location. On Linuxsystems, the location is a directory name, for example /home/<instance_nm>. The database requires a minimum of 80 MB free space. More disk space might be required for as directory entries are added to database.
Specifies to run in no prompt mode. All output from the command is generated, except for messages that require user interaction. Use this parameter with the -w parameter.
Specifies to run in quiet mode. All output from the command is suppressed, except for error messages. If you also specify the -d parameter, then the trace output is not suppressed.
-s storage_loc
Specifies the TABLESPACE container location.
-t db_name
Specifies the DB2 database name.
Specifies to show the version information of the command.
-w db_admin_pw
Specifies the DB2 administrator password.
Note: During initial stage of database creation, the value that is specified by using -w is validated first with the existing DB2 Administrator password. Then, sets the DB2 Administrator password in the configuration file for the Directory Server instance. This parameter is required if the -n parameter is provided.

If the database is already configured, the value that is specified by using -w is not validated against the existing DB2 Administrator password. It is used to update the DB2 Administrator password and the change log database owner password (if change log is configured) in the server configuration file. The -c parameter can be used with the -w parameter. The -a, -t, and -l parameters must not be used for a configured database.

-x instancename
Specifies to create the DB2 database in a local code page.
-z ext_size
Specifies the table space extension size in pages. The default value for the extension size is 8192 pages.
Specifies to show the syntax format.
Configure Remote Database with the Security Directory Server instance.
-P remote_db_server
Specify the machine name or IP address of the remote DB2 server.
-S remote_db_port
Specify the port of the new Remote DB2 instance.
-u remote_db_user
Remote DB2 instance user id having proper authority.
-p remote_db_pwd
Remote DB2 instance user password.
-B kdb_file
Specify the full path to the kdb_file that is to be used for SSL communication with the remote DB.
-H stash file
Specify the full path to the stash file that is to be used for SSL communication with the remote DB.
Setup SSL communication with Remote Database.
Note: This parameter can only be used when you are configuring the Remote Database.


Example 1:
To configure a Directory Server instance with a database with the following values, run the idscfgdb command.
  • Database: ldapdb2
  • Location: /home/ldapdb2
  • DB2 database administrator ID: ldapdb2
  • Password: secret
idscfgdb –a ldapdb2 –w secret –t ldapdb2 –l /home/ldapdb2
If the password is not specified, you are prompted for the password. The password is not shown on the command line when you enter it.
Example 2:
To configure online backup, run the following command:
idscfgdb –I instance_name –a db_admin_id –t db_name –w dbadminpw 
–l db_location -k backup_dir –n
Example 3:
To remove an online backup configuration, run the following command:
idscfgdb –I instance_name –c