Sample-based profile view

The sample-based profile table shows which methods are using the most processing resource.

Methods with a higher Self (%) value are described as hot, and are good candidates for optimization. Small improvements to the efficiency of these methods might have a large effect on performance. Methods near the end of the table are poor candidates for optimization. Even large improvements to their efficiency are unlikely to affect performance because they do not use as much processing resource.

Column Heading Description
Self (%) The percentage of samples taken while a particular method was being run at the top of the stack. This value is a good indicator of how expensive a method is in terms of using Java™ processing resources.
Self A graphical representation of the Self (%) column. Wider, redder bars indicate hotter methods.
Tree (%) The percentage of samples taken while a particular method was anywhere in the call stack. This value shows the percentage of time that this method, and methods it called (descendants), were being processed. This value gives a good guide to the areas of your application where most processing time is spent.
Tree A graphical representation of the Tree (%) column. Wider, redder bars indicate hotter method stacks.
Samples The number of samples taken while a particular method was being run at the top of the stack.
  • For Java applications: A fully qualified representation of the method, including package name, class name, method name, arguments, and return type.
  • For Node.js applications: A special record, such as (garbage collector) or (program), or a function descriptor, for example:
    • A named function in a script file: peek() (_linklist.js:30)
    • An anonymous function in a script file: (anonymous function) (node.js:27)
    • A named function not in a script file: String()
    • Script file global code: ./launcher.js()

You can optimize methods by reducing the amount of work that they do or by reducing the number of times that they are called. Highlighting a method in the table populates the call hierarchy views.

Filter the contents of the method profile table using the text box before the table. See the filtering help topic for more information.