MAP 3133

Use this MAP to resolve the following problems:
  • Disk has been modified after last known status (SRN nnnn-9090) for a PCI-X or PCIe controller.
  • Incorrect disk configuration change has been detected (SRN nnnn-9091) for a PCI-X or PCIe controller.

Step 3133-1

Perform only one of the following options:
Option 1
Run diagnostics in system verification mode on the adapter:
  1. Start AIX® Diagnostics and select Task Selection on the Function Selection display.
  2. Select Run Diagnostics.
  3. Select the adapter resource.
  4. Select System Verification.
Option 2
Unconfigure and reconfigure the adapter by performing the following steps:
  1. Unconfigure the adapter.
    1. Start the IBM® SAS Disk Array Manager.
      1. Start AIX diagnostics and select Task Selection on the Function Selection display.
      2. Select RAID Array Manager > IBM SAS Disk Array Manager.
    2. Select Diagnostics and Recovery Options > Unconfigure an Available IBM SAS RAID Controller.
  2. Configure the adapter.
    1. Start the IBM SAS Disk Array Manager.
      1. Start AIX diagnostics and select Task Selection on the Function Selection display.
      2. Select RAID Array Manager > IBM SAS Disk Array Manager.
    2. Select Diagnostics and Recovery Options > Configure a Defined IBM SAS RAID Controller.
Option 3
Perform an IPL of the system or logical partition:

Step 3133-2

Take action on any other errors which are now occurring.

When the problem is resolved, see the removal and replacement procedures topic for the system unit on which you are working and do the "Verifying the repair" procedure.

Last updated: Wed, May 24, 2017