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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versionen 8.5 und 8.5.1

Section access formulas

A section access formula specifies the names or ACL roles of users who can edit the fields in the section. Other users only have reader access to the section. However, this specification does not override the access control list for the database.

A section access formula must evaluate to a name, role, or a list of names or roles.

See examples

Examples: Section access formulas
Siehe auch
Editorzugriff auf Abschnitte in Masken begrenzen
Window title, section access, and insert subform formulas
Table of programmable design elements
Abschnitte mit Zugriffskontrolle in Masken erstellen

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Letzte Aktualisierung: Montag, 5. Oktober 2009