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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versionen 8.5 und 8.5.1

Named element formulas

For frames, link hotspots, and outline entries, formulas can be used to generate the kind of named element (for example, Form, Page, or View), the name of the database containing the element, and the name of the element.

To enter a named element formula:

  1. Select Named Element from the Content Type drop-down list in the Hotspot Link, Frame, or Outline Entry Properties box.
  2. Click the Formula(@) button.
  3. The Named Element Properties box displays.

  4. In the "Formula for kind of named element" box, enter either a formula that returns a named element type, or the type of named element you want to access (Form, View, etc.) in quotation marks.
  5. "Page" is the default named element type.

  6. In the "Formula for database" box, enter either a formula that returns a database name, or the name of the database you want to access in quotation marks. Include the NSF extension.
  7. In the "Formula for name of named element" box, enter either a formula that returns the name of a named element, or the name of a named element in quotation marks.

Each of these formulas must evaluate to a text value. @Commands are not allowed.

These formulas run on the user's workstation.

Hinweis Named element formulas are new with Release 6.

See examples

Examples: Named element formulas
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Rahmen mit Inhalt füllen
Links erstellen
Gliederungen erstellen
Table of programmable design elements

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Letzte Aktualisierung: Montag, 5. Oktober 2009