Unmounting a library

How to unmount a library on IBM Spectrum Archive™ Library Edition.

Attention: All files in the tape library must be closed before a library can be unmounted. If an open file exists on any cartridge, the unmount command fails. The library can be forcibly unmounted by using the force option (-f). However, this option is not recommended because it might result in some data loss.

Spectrum Archive Library Edition uses the umount and fusermount commands to unmount a tape library.

The following examples show two commands that can be used to unmount a library from a mount point:

# umount /mnt/ltfs

$ fusermount -u /mnt/ltfs
Note: The umount command requires administrator privileges. Users who do not have administrator privileges must use the fusermount command with the -u option.

The unmount command flushes all buffered data to the cartridges in the tape library before it is unloaded. After the flushing operation is completed, Spectrum Archive Library Edition updates inventory information and unmounts the library from the mount point.

When the library is unmounted, the subdirectories under the mount point are removed along with information in the media library. As shown in the following example, the success of the removal operation can be confirmed by using the ltfsadmintool command with the -i or --tape-inventory options.
$ ltfsadmintool -i
Failed to connect to the server.
Or you can use the ps command to check whether the process ended:
$ ps aux | grep ltfs
If an unidentified user attempts to access Spectrum Archive Library Edition, the unmount and fusermount -u commands cannot be used to unmount the tape library from the file system:
# umount /mnt/ltfs
umount: /mnt/ltfs: device is busy
umount: /mnt/ltfs: device is busy
The current user of Spectrum Archive Library Edition can be identified by using the /sbin/fuser command:
$ /sbin/fuser -uv /mnt/ltfs
             USER        PID  ACCESS  COMMAND
/mnt/ltfs:            user1     17399   ..c..            (erato)bash
To forcibly terminate Spectrum Archive Library Edition, use the following shutdown script:
# /etc/init.d/ltfs stop