Downloading LTFS Tools for a Windows system

Complete this task to download the most recent version of LTFS Tools from the Fix Central website.

About this task

Always download the most recent version of IBM LTFS Tools from the Fix Central website before you install them as described in the topic Extracting binary rpm files from an installation package.
Note: IBM maintains the most current levels of the LTFS Tools, and information on using the tool and related documentation, on the Fix Central website.


Complete the following steps to download the most recent version of the LTFS Tools:

  1. Open the following URL in your web browser:
  2. Select System Storage from the "Product Group" menu.
  3. Select Tape systems from the "System Storage" menu.
  4. Select Tape drivers and software from the "Tape systems" menu.
  5. Select IBM Spectrum Archive™ Single Drive Edition (SDE) from the "Tape drivers and software" menu.
  6. Select your operating system from the "Platform" menu.
  7. Click Continue to view the list of available downloads.
  8. Select the most recent version of IBM Spectrum Archive Single Drive Edition that you want to download and click Continue.
  9. Follow the instructions on the Fix Central download page to download LTFS Tools.
    Note: The installation package name is IBM_LTFS_TOOLS_[version]-[revision]_[arch].exe .