Starting Spectrum Archive and mounting a library on a Windows system

How to use the ltfs.exe command to start IBM Spectrum Archive™ Library Edition and mount a library on a Windows system.

About this task

  • The ltfs.exe command on a Windows system requires a drive letter.
  • There is no rule in the order of options that are used with the ltfs.exe command, however the drive letter must be after any options. Therefore, the last argument for the ltfs.exe command must be the drive letter.
  • For a complete list of supported options, see Mounting a library by using the ltfs command.
  • The %TEMP%\ltfs directory is set as the default work directory on a Windows system.


Complete the following steps to start Spectrum Archive and mount a library:

  1. Use the ltfs.exe command with the address and a drive letter as shown in the following example to start Spectrum Archive Library Edition.
    ltfs.exe [options] DriveLetter
    The following example shows this command and the results:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\LTFS>ltfs.exe -o changer_devname= Q
    LTFS61410I Set trace level in LTFS Main (3
    LTFS61410I Set trace level in LTFS Main (8)
    LTFS61259I Sync type is "time", Sync time is 300 sec
    LTFS61206I LTFS starting. Drive:Q, (Jun 10 2014 06:15:27) log level 4
    LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "scsilib" driver
    LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "unified" iosched
    LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "scsilib" changer
    LTFS11593I LTFS starts with a product license version
    LTFS63033I Detected new device vendor:'IBM '
    model:'03584L22 ' serial:'0000013100090406'
    LTFS62160I Drive serial is 0000013D0734
    LTFS17160I Maximum device block size is 1040384
    LTFS11545I Rebuilding the cartridge inventory
    LTFS14506I LTFS admin server is listening on port 7600
    LTFS61237I Read only directory mode is Windows
  2. Open Windows Explorer and locate the LTFS icon.
  3. Double-click the LTFS icon to display the directories that correspond with the tape cartridges.
  4. Right-click the LTFS icon to display the properties panel and view configuration information, such as the Spectrum Archive Library Edition version, tape library ID, tape library serial number, and the tape library firmware version. The properties panel also displays recent error or warning messages.