Configuring default settings for adminchannel

Default values for adminchannel can be configured by editing the ltfs.conf.local file.

The location of "ltfs.conf.local" depends on your operating system.
  • For Linux, it is found in /etc
  • Windows, it is found in C:\Program Files\IBM\LTFS\ltfs
The following parameters can be configured for the adminchannel setting:
The authenticationtype parameter must be set to a value of "none" or "password". If "password" is specified as the value, the password parameter must also be specified to provide the authentication password to connect Spectrum Archive by using the ltfsadmintool command.
Specify the password to connect to Spectrum Archive. The value must be the SHA1 hashed value of the authentication password value that is to be used for the -p option of the ltfsadmintool command. The SHA1 hash value can be calculated by the command "echo -n "1234567" | sha1sum".
Use this parameter to specify hosts that are authorized to connect to Spectrum Archive by using the -s option of the ltfsadmintool command. Specify multiple authorized clients as a comma-separated list. Specify an asterisk character ("*") to indicate that any client is authorized. By default, localhost is the only host that can connect to Spectrum Archive.
Specify the port number to connect to Spectrum Archive.
Note: Beginning with version, the default port number changed to 7600 from 2112.

Example adminchannel configuration settings in the ltfs.conf.local file:

    option adminchannel authenticationtype password
    option adminchannel password e5e9fa1ba31ecd1ae84f75caaa474f3a663f05f4
    option adminchannel authorizedclients *
    option adminchannel port 7601