Remote file system will not mount due to differing GPFS cluster security configurations

A mount command fails with a message similar to this:
Cannot mount Host is down.
The GPFS™ log on the cluster issuing the mount command should have entries similar to these:
There is more information in the log file /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest
Mon Jun 25 16:39:27 2007: Waiting to join remote cluster
Mon Jun 25 16:39:27 2007: Command: mount 30291
Mon Jun 25 16:39:27 2007: The administrator of gpfslx2 requires
secure connections.  Contact the administrator to obtain the target clusters
key and register the key using "mmremotecluster update".
Mon Jun 25 16:39:27 2007: A node join was rejected.  This could be due to
incompatible daemon versions, failure to find the node
in the configuration database, or no configuration manager found.
Mon Jun 25 16:39:27 2007: Failed to join remote cluster
Mon Jun 25 16:39:27 2007: Command err 693: mount 30291
The GPFS log file on the cluster that owns and serves the file system will have an entry indicating the problem as well, similar to this:
Mon Jun 25 16:32:21 2007: Kill accepted connection from because security is required, err 74

To resolve this problem, contact the administrator of the cluster that owns and serves the file system to obtain the key and register the key using mmremotecluster command.

The SHA digest field of the mmauth show and mmremotecluster commands may be used to determine if there is a key mismatch, and on which cluster the key should be updated. For more information on the SHA digest, see The SHA digest.