Removing and replacing the Western Telematic Inc. switch for the TS7650 Appliance or TS7650G (Gateway), ProtecTIER V3.3.6

To remove and replace the Western Telematic Inc. (WTI) switch, perform the following steps.


  1. Before removing the old WTI switch, issue a poweroff command to the upper ProtecTIER® server Node B.
  2. Wait until the upper ProtecTIER Node B is powered off, then issue a poweroff command to the lower ProtecTIER server Node A.
  3. On a sheet of paper, record the following information for each power cable attached to both ProtecTIER nodes:
  4. Remove the old WTI switch.
  5. Install the new WTI switch and connect it in exactly the same way as the old WTI.
    Figure 1. Clustered power connections (3958 DD1/3958 DD3)
    Clustered power connections
    Table 1. Clustered power connections (3958 DD1/3958 DD3)
    From On device To On device/location
    Port 1 WTI switch power supply 1 Server A
    Port 5 WTI switch power supply 2 Server A
    Port 2 WTI switch power supply 1 Server B
    Port 6 WTI switch power supply 2 Server B
    Figure 2. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections (3958 DD1/3958 DD3)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections
    Table 2. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch Ethernet connections (3958 DD1/3958 DD3)
    From On device To On device/location
    Port 1 Ethernet switch 2 Port 1, slot 4 Server A
    Port 2 Ethernet switch 2 Port 1, slot 4 Server B
    Port 3 Ethernet switch 2 Ethernet port, E WTI switch
    Port 4 Ethernet switch 2 Port 4 Ethernet switch 1
    Port 1 Ethernet switch 1 Port 2, slot 3 Server A
    Port 2 Ethernet switch 1 Port 2, slot 3 Server B
    Figure 3. Clustered TS7650G (3958 DD4 and 3958 DD5) power connections
    Clustered TS7650G (3958 DD4 and 3958 DD5) power connections
    Note: In Figure 3 and Table 3, the letters TJ followed by a number (for example: TJ5) indicate which outlet (J5) the associated component plugs into on the Top PDU. The letters BJ followed by a number (for example: BJ8) indicate which outlet (J8) the associated component plugs into on the Bottom PDU.
    Table 3. Clustered TS7650G (3958 DD4 and 3958 DD5) power connections
    Item From On device To On device or location
     1  Power outlet Ethernet switch 1 (bottom) (E SW-1) BJ10 Bottom power distribution unit
     2  Power outlet Ethernet switch 2 (top) (E SW-2 TJ10 Top power distribution unit
     3  Power outlet TSSC Ethernet switch (if you installed one) (SC SW) BJ4 Bottom power distribution unit
     4  Power outlet TSSC KVM switch (if you installed one) (SC TSSC) TJ4 Top power distribution unit
     5  Power outlet 1 TSSC (if you installed one) (SC) BJ5 Bottom power distribution unit
     6  Power outlet 2 TSSC (if you installed one with a second power outlet) (SC) TJ5 Top power distribution unit
     7  Power outlet KVM Switch BJ3 Bottom power distribution unit
     14  Top power outlet Network power switch TJ8 Top power distribution unit
     15  Bottom power outlet Network power switch BJ8 Bottom power distribution unit
     16  Power outlet 1 Server A Power outlet A1 Network power switch
     17  Power outlet 2 Server A Power outlet B1 Network power switch
     18  Power outlet 1 Server B Power outlet A2 Network power switch
     19  Power outlet 2 Server B Power outlet B2 Network power switch
    Figure 4. Clustered TS7650 Appliance power connections
    Clustered TS7650 Appliance power connections
    Note: In Figure 4, the letters TJ followed by a number (for example: TJ5) indicate which outlet (J5) the associated component plugs into on the Top PDU. The letters BJ followed by a number (for example: BJ8) indicate which outlet (J8) the associated component plugs into on the Bottom PDU.
    Table 4. Clustered TS7650 Appliance power connections
    Label From To Remarks
     1  Bottom PDU J10 Lower Ethernet switch  
     2  Top PDU J10 Upper Ethernet switch  
     3  Bottom PDU J4 System console (TSSC) Ethernet switch  
     4  Top PDU J4 TSSC KVM assembly  
     5  Bottom PDU J5 System console, plug 1  
     6  Top PDU J5 System console, plug 2 Use dependent on customer order
     7  Bottom PDU J3 KVM Switch  
     8  Top PDU J8 DD4A P1 Not used currently
     9  Bottom PDU J8 DD4A P1 Not used currently
     10  Top PDU J8 pigtail DD4A P1 Stand-alone installation only
     11  Top PDU J8 Top PDU J8 pigtail Stand-alone installation only
     12  Bottom PDU J8 pigtail DD4A P2 Stand-alone installation only
     13  Bottom PDU J8 Bottom PDU J8 pigtail Stand-alone installation only
     14  Top PDU J8 Network power switch main bus power (bus A)  
     15  Bottom PDU J8 Network power switch backup bus power (bus B)  
     16  DD4A P1 Network power switch, plug A1  
     17  DD4A P2 Network power switch, plug B1  
     18  DD4B P1 Network power switch, plug A2  
     19  DD4B P2 Network power switch, plug B2  

    CNA-1 P2
    EXPA1-1 P2

    Bottom PDU J1 Bifurcated cable

    CNB-1 P1
    EXPB1-1 P1

    Top PDU J1 Bifurcated cable

    EXPA1-2 P1
    EXPA1-3 P1

    Bottom PDU J2 Bifurcated cable

    EXPB1-2 P1
    EXPB1-3 P1

    Top PDU J2 Bifurcated cable

    CNA-2 P2
    EXPA2-1 P2

    Bottom PDU J6 Bifurcated cable

    CNB-2 P1
    EXPB2-1 P1

    Top PDU J6 Bifurcated cable

    EXPA2-2 P2
    EXPA2-3 P2

    Bottom PDU J7 Bifurcated cable

    EXPB2-2 P1
    EXPB2-3 P1

    Top PDU J7 Bifurcated cable

    The following figures show the Ethernet connections for 3958 DD4, DD5, and AP1 (DD4-based) servers.

    Figure 5. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for VTL configuration (For TS7650 Appliance and TS7650G V3.2 or earlier)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for VTL configuration (For TS7650 Appliance and TS7650G V3.2 or earlier)
    Figure 6. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for VTL configuration (For TS7650G V3.3)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for VTL configuration (For TS7650G V3.3)
    Table 5. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for VTL configuration
    Callout From On Device To On Device/Location
     1  Slot 5, port 1 Server A Customer network Customer designated device
     2  Port 1 Ethernet switch 1 Slot 5, port 2 Server A
     3  Port 1 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server A
     4  Port 3 Ethernet switch 2 Ethernet port, E WTI network power switch
     5  Port 26 Ethernet switch 2 Port 26 Ethernet switch 1
     6  Slot 5, port 1 Server B Customer network Customer designated device
     7  Port 2 Ethernet switch 1 Slot 5, port 2 Server B
     8  Port 2 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server B
     19  Slot 5, port 3 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     20  Port E2 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     26  Slot 5, port 3 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     27  Port E2 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     30  Port 25 Ethernet switch 2 Port 25 Ethernet switch 1
    Figure 7. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For ProtecTIER V3.1.8 or earlier)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For V3.1.8 or earlier)
    Table 6. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For ProtecTIER V3.1.8 or earlier)
    Callout From On Device To On Device/Location
     1  Port 1, slot 5 Server A Customer network Customer designated device
     2  Port 1 Ethernet switch 1 Port 2, slot 5 Server A
     3  Port 1 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server A
     4  Port 3 Ethernet switch 2 Ethernet port, E WTI network power switch
     5  Port 26 Ethernet switch 2 Port 26 Ethernet switch 1
     6  Port 1, slot 5 Server B Customer network Customer designated device
     7  Port 2 Ethernet switch 1 Port 2, slot 5 Server B
     8  Port 2 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server B
     15  Port 4, slot 3 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     16  Port 4, slot 4 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     17  Port 4, slot 3 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     18  Port 4, slot 4 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
    Figure 8. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For ProtecTIER V3.2)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For V3.2)
    Figure 9. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For TS7650G ProtecTIER V3.3)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For TS7650G V3.3)
    Table 7. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3456 (For ProtecTIER V3.2 or later)
    Callout From On Device To On Device/Location
     1  Port 1, slot 5 Server A Customer network Customer designated device
     2  Port 1 Ethernet switch 1 Port 2, slot 5 Server A
     3  Port 1 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server A
     4  Port 3 Ethernet switch 2 Ethernet port, E WTI network power switch
     5  Port 26 Ethernet switch 2 Port 26 Ethernet switch 1
     6  Port 1, slot 5 Server B Customer network Customer designated device
     7  Port 2 Ethernet switch 1 Port 2, slot 5 Server B
     8  Port 2 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server B
     15  Port 3, slot 5 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     16  Port E2 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     17  Port 3, slot 5 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     18  Port E2 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     30  Port 25 Ethernet switch 2 Port 25 Ethernet switch 1
    Figure 10. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3457 (For ProtecTIER V3.2 or earlier)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3457 (For V3.2 or earlier)
    Figure 11. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3457 (For TS7650G V3.3)
    Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3457 (For TS7650G V3.3)
    Table 8. Clustered 1 Gb Ethernet switch connections for OpenStorage configuration, Feature Code 3457
    Callout From On Device To On Device/Location
     1  Slot 5, port 1 Server A Customer network Customer designated device
     2  Port 1 Ethernet switch 1 Slot 5, port 2 Server A
     3  Port 1 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server A
     4  Port 3 Ethernet switch 2 Ethernet port, E WTI network power switch
     5  Port 26 Ethernet switch 2 Port 26 Ethernet switch 1
     6  Slot 5, port 1 Server B Customer network Customer designated device
     7  Port 2 Ethernet switch 1 Slot 5, port 2 Server B
     8  Port 2 Ethernet switch 2 Port E1 Server B
     21  Slot 5, port 3 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     22  Port E2 Server A Customer replication network Customer specified device
     23  Slot 5, port 3 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     24  Port E2 Server B Customer replication network Customer specified device
     30  Port 25 Ethernet switch 2 Port 25 Ethernet switch 1
  6. Power on the lower ProtecTIER Node A. The message Updating WTI firmware might be displayed. The update takes at least five minutes.
  7. After ProtecTIER Node A is completely powered on, power on ProtecTIER Node B.
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