
Accessibility features provide users who have disabilities with the ability to successfully access information and use technology.

Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.


These are the major accessibility features in the IBM TS7700 Customer Information Center information:
  • You can use screen-reader software and a digital speech synthesizer to hear what is displayed on the screen. PDF documents have been tested using Adobe Reader version 7.0. HTML documents have been tested using JAWS version 9.0.
  • You can operate features using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Navigating by keyboard

You can use keys or key combinations to perform operations and initiate menu actions that can also be done through mouse actions. You can navigate the IBM TS7700 Customer Information Center information from the keyboard by using the shortcut keys for your browser or screen-reader software. See your browser or screen-reader software Help for a list of shortcut keys that it supports.

Accessing the publications

The IBM TS7700 Customer Information Center is available as HTML content on CD and at the following web site: