ERwin 8 Data Modeler (File) bridge reference

Prerequisites, frequently asked questions, troubleshooting, and parameter information for the ERwin 8 Data Modeler import bridge.

About this bridge

The ERwin 8 Data Modeler bridge imports logical data models and physical data models from files that are produced by ERwin Data Modeler, version 8.

This bridge imports files in either ERWIN or XML format. The bridge parses the XML files natively, but requires the ERwin Data Modeler COM/OLE API to parse ERWIN files.

When you import a physical data model, you have the option on the Identity Parameters screen to create a database schema that implements the physical data model. Both the schema and the physical data model are stored in the metadata repository.


To import ERWIN files, you must install ERwin Data Modeler 8 on the same computer that the bridge is installed on. The file that you want to import must exist on the same computer.

To import XML files, ensure that ERwin Data Modeler was installed with the option to save XML files in the Repository Format. To create an XML file for import, open the ERWIN file in ERwin 8 and save it as an XML Repository file.

Frequently asked questions

Which ERwin version does this bridge support?
The bridge supports the XML file version that is generated by ERwin 8.0 build 2178 and later versions.
How does the bridge import the order of entity attributes?

The bridge imports the physical column order if the information is present in the XML file. Otherwise, the bridge maintains the order of entity attributes.

The order of attributes might not be the same after you use the bridge to import the file. To view the order of attributes in Erwin 8, take the following steps:
  1. Switch to the model Physical View.
  2. From the Diagram menu, select Diagrams.
  3. Select the Table tab.
  4. From the Physical Display Level pull-down, select Physical Order.
To import the logical order, derive a logical-only model in ERwin and import it.


The following section describes troubleshooting procedures.

Missing physical names in XML files

When you save a logical and physical model, the physical names of tables, columns, and keys might not always be saved into the XML file. When you use ERwin to manage the automatic generation of physical names from logical names, only the generation rules are saved. Missing physical names are not an issue for physical-only ERwin models or when you import ERWIN files

There are several ways to work around this issue:
  • Save the XML file in Repository format.
  • Explicitly set all physical names so that you do not rely on generation rules to create them from the logical names.
  • Derive a new physical model from your existing logical and physical model. Use the Derive New Model option on the Tools menu in ERwin 8. The generation rules are invoked to produce all the physical names. Save the new physical model as XML. The logical names of tables are also available in this new XML file, but the logical names of attributes might still be missing.
Alert windows cause import to hang
When you import ERWIN files, ERwin might display a window that is unavailable for the bridge to respond to. Such windows cause the bridge to hang during import. The workaround is to modify the registry to prevent such windows from being displayed:
  1. Use Regedit.exe to edit the registry on the computer where the bridge is running.
  2. Find the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CA\ERwin Data Modeler\8.2\Messages.
  3. Add GDM-46=1; to the value of Message Status.

Import parameters

The ERwin 8 Data Modeler bridge uses the following import configuration parameters.

File location
Select whether the file that you specify for the File parameter is on the metadata interchange server or on the local computer.
Required. Specify the XML file or ERWIN file to import. To import ERWIN files you must install ERwin Data Modeler 8 on the same computer that the bridge is installed on.
Import user-defined properties (UDPs)
A UDP is usually defined with a property definition object that has a default value. Objects that the property applies to might also specify an explicit value for this property. The objects might specify no value at all, in which case the default value of the property definition applies. InfoSphere® Information Server supports importing UDPs only by appending the property name and value to the description property of the object. To append the property name and value, even if implicit, to the description property of an object, select In description, migrate default values. If you select any other value for this parameter, the UDP information is not imported.
Import relationship names
InfoSphere Information Server handles the import of relationship names in the following way:
  • For imports from physical models, relationship names are imported from the constraint name of the foreign key.
  • For imports from logical/physical models there are the following options:
    • If Use relationship name is selected, relationship names are imported from the name property. This is the default behavior.
    • If Use derived name is selected, relationship names are imported from the relationship properties.
To use relationship names in InfoSphere DataStage® and QualityStage® jobs, ensure that the names do not contain spaces.
Select column order
Specify how to import the position of columns in tables. If you select the default Physical order, the columns are imported in the order in the database, as generated in SQL DDL. If you select Column order, the columns use the order of the ERwin physical view. You can view the physical order in ERwin when you edit the stored display settings of the subject area.
Import parent schemas
Specifies if parent schemas for tables and views are imported. Accept the default value, True. InfoSphere Information Server relies on the identity of the parent schemas to create the identity of tables and other assets.
Import diagrams
Select None. InfoSphere Information Server does not support import of diagrams.
Move logical entities to subject areas

Do not select. Accept the default value, which is to not move logical entities to subject areas.

Optional. Enter one or more of the following options with values.
Set one or more environment variables. Surround the value with double quotation marks (") if the value contains spaces. For example, -v var1=value -v var2="a value with spaces".
Specify the maximum Java memory size. Use a whole number. For example, -m 4G or -m 2500M.
Specify the last option that is followed by Java command line options. For example, -j -Dname=value -Xms1G.
Qualify table names

For imports of physical data models, select this option to add the owner name to the table name, in the form owner_name.table_name. The owner name is added only for those tables where an owner name is specified in the source file.

Select this option if the design tool allows you to create tables with the same name in the same model. Otherwise, the tables with the same name are created as duplicate design tables when they are imported into the metadata repository.

Metadata consistency check

Perform a consistency check on the selected metadata before it is imported into the metadata repository. It is possible to save metadata in source tools in ways that cause problems when the assets are imported into the metadata repository or used in other tools. For example, a foreign key might have no connection to a primary key or to an alternate key. In some cases, the metadata might be so semantically inconsistent that the bridge cannot import it.

The metadata consistency check returns warnings and errors in the log file.

Basic check
The default. Performs the minimum consistency checks necessary to validate the metadata, including checking for missing relationships and foreign keys that are not connected to primary or alternate keys.
In some cases, the basic check might be more rigorous than necessary and you can ignore certain errors or warnings.
Detailed check
Performs the basic check plus more advanced semantic checks specific to the type of metadata that is imported. This level can be used when the source tool does not have the ability to validate the metadata.
No check
Use with extreme caution. Selecting this option could result in the import of duplicates or invalid identities and might cause serious problems with your use of suite tools and the metadata repository.
If an asset description already exists
Specify what action to take if an imported asset matches an existing asset in the metadata repository. You can keep the existing description, or overwrite the existing description with the description of the imported asset.
If either description is null, the non-null description is used, regardless of which option you specify. The default behavior is to replace the existing description.