
Use this property to specify the value that defines the lifetime of a message.

The lifetime of a message is the amount of time, in tenths of seconds, that expires between the time at which the message is sent by one application and the time at which another application reads the message. If this amount of time is greater than the expiry time, the message expires and the message is discarded by the queue manager. However, the message is not discarded by the queue manager if another application attempts to read it.

For input and request links, specify only one value, which is an integer between -1 and 999999999. A value of -1 specifies an unlimited number of seconds, which means that the message does not expire. The default value is -1.

For output links, you can type the custom value in different ways:
  • A list of comma-delimited or space-delimited integers
  • A range of integers in the following format: a-b
  • A combination of lists and ranges that are comma-delimited or space-delimited

The total length of the combined values in this property must not exceed 256 characters. There is no default value. If this value is blank, this property is not used for filtering messages.

You can use different ways to specify this value for input links and output links:

  • Specify the value at the job level. You type the value in this property, which sets the value at design time for all messages in this job. If, for some reason, you also specify the data element as a column in the schema (see below), the data element takes precedence over the property.
  • For input links, you can specify the value at the message level. Instead of this property, you specify a column in the schema for this value by selecting the corresponding value (see below) as the Data element value on the Columns tab. The value that is stored in each incoming message is then used during runtime processing when it is put on the queue. The value in the input link schema overrides the design-time value of this property at runtime.

    For output links, you can view only the value in the Data element column that was retrieved when the message was read from the queue. Generally speaking, you use the data element on an output link when you plan to use this value later on in your job processing.

The data element for this property is WSMQ.EXPIRY.