Installing and configuring basic notification of governance events

You can install and configure Subscription Manager to receive basic email notification of glossary events in IBM® InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog.

Before you begin

IBM WebSphere® Application Server and a database must be installed.

InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.5 or later must be installed. To use WebSphere Application Server in a cluster topology, InfoSphere Information Server Version 11.5 Fix Pack 1 or later must be installed.

You must be a user with the Information Governance Catalog Glossary Administrator or Information Asset Administrator role.

About this task

The Data Quality Exception Events component includes Subscription Manager. This component is automatically installed when you install InfoSphere Information Server.

With each subscription that you create in Subscription Manager, you can send a simple email notification to selected users about governance events. You can customize the email template to suit the needs of your organization.

Typically, the email template is applied to all governance events. You can use different email templates for different events.

Important: The event notification feature adds more processing on InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog, which can affect its performance. Therefore, if you do not have subscriptions in Subscription Manager, do not enable this feature.


  1. Configure the Data Quality Exception Events component.
    The Data Quality Exception Events component includes the Data Quality Exception Console, Subscription Manager, and the events and notification services that support these applications.
  2. Define new email variables by doing these steps:
    1. On the services tier computer where InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog is installed, go to directory InformationServer\ASBServer\bin.
    2. Type the command:
      In a Microsoft Windows system
      iisAdmin.bat -set -key -value https://your_IGC_server:9443/ibm/iis/igc/#dossierView/
      In a UNIX or Linux® system
      ./ -set -key -value https://your_IGC_server:9443/ibm/iis/igc/#dossierView/
  3. Configure the email provider for Subscription Manager to send email notifications.
  4. Ensure that the email address of each email recipient is defined in IBM InfoSphere Information Server Administration Console. Click Administration > Users and Groups > Users and check each recipient.
  5. Enable email notification by doing these steps:
    1. In InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog, click Administration > Setup > Event Notification.
    2. For a new installation, click Enable, and then click Save. Otherwise, click Disable > Save > Enable > Save.
  6. Subscribe to governance events by using Subscription Manager.
  7. Ensure that the notification of governance events is configured properly.
    Each asset type has its own event types. As a result, each asset type needs its own subscription. Modify a term or create a data class in InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog. Verify that the right person gets an email with the correct notification event.
  8. Optional: Customize the email template by doing these steps:
    1. Open the Sample email notification templates for Subscription Manager technote.
    2. Save Sample_EmailBodyTemplate_Governance_Events.html and Sample_EmailSubjectTemplate.txt to your Services tier file system.
    3. Open the pages by using a text editor, and then make your changes. For details about variables that you can use, see Format and content for Subscription Manager email notifications.
    4. To use the same email template for all governance event types, enable email notification by doing these steps:
      1. In InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog, click Administration > Setup > Event Notification.
      2. For a new installation, click Enable, and then click Save. Otherwise, click Disable > Save > Enable > Save.
    5. To use a different email template for different governance event types, register the template for each event type.
      Note: Click Enable in the Event Notification window of InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog before you specify different email templates for each event type. If you click Enable afterward, you overwrite the email templates that you registered.