BASIC Options

You can use the following options with the BASIC command:

Turns on the specified $OPTIONS option, or defines a flavor.
Turns off the specified $OPTIONS option or flavor.
Suppresses execution of RAID or VLIST on a compiler or a BASIC program.
-LIST or -L
Generates a listing of the program.
-XREF or -X
Generates a cross-reference table of statement labels and variable names used in the program.
-SPOOL or -S
Generates a listing of the program and spools it directly to the printer rather than to a file.
Suppresses the symbol and line number tables that are usually appended to the end of the object file, for run-time error messages.

A listing produced with either the -LIST or the -XREF option is saved in a file whose name is made up of the source filename and a suffixed .L . The record ID of the program listing in the listing file (filename.L) is the same as the record ID in the program file (filename).