Integrating with Rational Change through OSLC

If you are developing a tool to integrate with IBM® Rational® Change through the OSLC-CM 1.0 API, see the API specification for a detailed description of the API. However, understand the following implementation details that are specific to Rational Change.
If you are developing a tool to integrate with Rational Change through the OSLC-CM 2.0 API, see the 2.0 specification for a detailed description of the API. However, understand the following implementation details that are specific to Rational Change:
  • Rational Change specific properties are defined in the namespace:

    You must change the namespace prefix. This namespace prefix change must always be used when getting or setting Rational Change specific properties.

  • Only HTTP basic authentication is supported.

OSLC terms in Rational Change

The OSLC-CM API specification uses terms that can be shared among many change management providers. These terms vary slightly from what you might be used to in Rational Change. These terms are:
Change Request
In Rational Change, this term is the same as a normal Rational Change change request. Other OSLC-CM tools might use this term to describe other, similar resources.
OSLC-CM properties are equivalent to Rational Change attributes and CR-to-CR relationships. When requesting properties, you can use the existing attribute names you are already familiar with from your lifecycle. Additionally, there are a few OSLC-CM common properties (for example, dc:title and dc:identifier), that Rational Change automatically maps to existing attributes.
OSLC-CM links are special types of properties that represent links between different OSLC resources. In Rational Change, they are normally used for traditional CR-to-CR relationships. However, when used with attributes with the OSLC_LINK web type, they can also be used to store hyperlinks to OSLC-CM resources in other CM repositories. Remote hyperlinks can be viewed from show forms. However, they can be created only through this API.

Customizing common OSLC properties for your lifecycle

OSLC defines a number of property names that can be used with most OSLC providers without knowing the specifics of each provider. For example, in Rational Change you get the change:problem_synopsis attribute from the common attribute dc:title for OSLC-CM 1.0 or dcterms:title for OSLC-CM 2.0.

These common properties are automatically mapped to Rational Change attributes and relationships common to most Rational Change lifecycles. If the mapping does not work for your lifecycle, override them by creating an file as described in WEB-INF/wsconfig/system/ See the dc_title in the key for more details.
