Setting up the system

IBM® Rational® Change is highly customizable, and consequently requires some setup before you can use it for change requests.

Before you begin

If you are upgrading and want to use an existing CR process, see Upgrading Rational Change.

Skip the first two steps if you are using an existing process package, such as dev_process. This process is ready to use and is suitable for Independent Software Vendors. The dev_process is a good starting point for many organizations and can be tailored to meet the particular needs of a site. In addition, you can design a custom CR process using the Lifecycle Editor dialog box.


To set up the system:

  1. Create a CR process using the Lifecycle Editor.
  2. Use the CR process you just created to generate a process package through the Lifecycle Editor.

    The software uses modular components called packages to group the set of files that make up a CR process or other customization. Each package changes the look and behavior of the software.

  3. Install the process package through the Package Installer.

    To install a package, go to the Package Installer, select the package you want to install, and click Install.

  4. Define users in Rational Directory Server (using Rational Directory Administrator). Then, assign them privileges in the User Management dialog box.

    For detailed steps, see Working with user accounts and User Management dialog box.

  5. Confirm your setup.
    1. Quit your Admin session.
    2. Go to the user login URL, and then start a user session.
    3. Submit a change request, and then transition it through the lifecycle to test your installation.
