Upgrading IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management

Upgrading IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management involves going from older versions to newer version of the applications and requires migrating your existing data to the new format.

Note: Upgrading from version 5 to any release of version 7 is a two-step process. You must first upgrade your server to the latest fix pack of version 6 release, start the server and make sure your upgrade to version 6.x was successful, and then upgrade to version 7. Ensure you have the necessary DBA permissions before you upgrade the server. This documentation only provides instructions for upgrading IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management from version 6 releases to version 7 releases. For instructions on upgrading from version 5 to version 6, see the latest version 6 documentation.

For information about upgrading Jazz® Team Server and the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications, see the related help topics about upgrading the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management. You can use the Interactive upgrade guide to generate a set of instructions specific to your environment.

For advanced or deployment-specific information about upgrading, see the Installing, upgrading, and migrating section of the Jazz.net Deployment wiki.