Reporting on the link between change sets and work items

You can publish IBM® Engineering Workflow Management source control change set information to Lifecycle Query Engine(LQE) via tracked resource sets (TRS) feeds to enable reporting.

You can report on the link between closed change sets and work items, but you cannot report on an active (open) change set. You also cannot report on individual files within change sets; you cannot report on whether change sets are delivered to any streams or are included in any baselines.

Note: LQE and Report Builder permissions are managed in the project and team area. Change sets in components that have private or access group visibility are private in LQE. LQE does not support access groups.

The following image shows how trace relationships with work items are supported.

Trace artifact relationships

You can use Report Builder to generate reports that show trace relationships to gain insight into code changes, such as which changes were completed in a given time interval, and the types of changes, such as defect fixes, feature work, and enhancements, that make up your team's work load.

The following image shows a list of change set attributes that are available in Report Builder that allow you to apply filters and customize your report. For example, the attribute Total Changes is the total number of file versions that were changed by a change set. This information can be useful when you analyze code changes. The URL attribute provides a link to the change set in the web browser.

Change set attributes