Deploying and starting the server

This topic describes the different options for deploying and starting the server.

About this task

For z/OS
operating systemNote: These instructions do not apply to the parts that are installed or configured on the z/OS® operating system. For more information, see: Running Jazz Team Server and the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on a z/OS system with WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Liberty profile on z/OS

Deploying and starting the Jazz Team Server begins with the selection of the application server, which hosts the Jazz Team Server and its applications.

If you plan to use the included WebSphere Liberty application server as your Jazz Team Server hosting environment, see Deploying and starting the WebSphere Liberty server. For more information about setting up system properties in WebSphere Liberty, see Setting generic JVM arguments in the WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile.

If you plan to use the IBM WebSphere Application Server as your hosting environment, see Deploying and starting WebSphere Application Server. For more information about setting up system properties in WebSphere Application Server, see WebSphere Application Server custom properties.