Build properties

You can define certain build script properties, such as ECLIPSE_HOME, from the properties of the build definition or build engine.

User-defined properties

Properties that you define in the build definition, build engine, or request build dialog box are written to the output properties file that you specify in the Properties file field in the build definition (for Command Line and Ant builds), and are automatically available to Ant scripts (for Ant builds).

You can use variables in property values by specifying the ${propertyName} format. For example, if you create a build engine property named toolsdir with a value of /home/build/tools, you can reference the property as ${toolsdir} from property fields in the Build Definition editor. Before the build starts, the Jazz™ Build Engine substitutes the property variables and their substituted form is provided to the build script.

You can define a hidden property, whose value is masked in the user interface. Hidden properties are supported only in the following build definitions:

  • Ant
  • Command line
  • Maven
  • Jazz Build for Rational® Team Concert™ Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE

Properties supported by the Jazz Build Engine

Property name Description


Specifies a prefix for the build label, such as I for integration. If you define this property in your build definition or build engine, the value is prepended to the label that the Jazz Build Engine generates. For example, I20080215-1234.


An &-separated list of name/value pairs of properties to match when looking up the next request from a build queue. Currently only personalBuild property is supported, so valid values are personalBuild=true and personalBuild=false.

Specifies whether to collect and report statistics related to the service calls made by the Jazz Build Engine. The statistics are similar to the ones collected by the Eclipse client using Metronome. If you define and set this property to true on your build definition or build engine, information about the service calls, such as how long they took, are collected and published as logs in the build result. The logs are in a human-readable report and comma separated value (csv) format.

Post-build Deploy properties

The table below describes built-in properties that are available when you use the Post-build Deploy option.

Attribute Description


Whether to output debug tracing during Post-build Deploy. Value is true or false. Default is false.


UrbanCode Deploy connection timeout (in seconds). Default is 480 (8 minutes).

Built-in properties

There are several built-in properties available when you use the Jazz Build Engine. Use these properties if you use the Jazz Ant tasks to publish information to the repository. For example, you need the repositoryAddress and buildResultUUID properties to use the StartBuildActivityTask.

The table below describes built-in properties that are available when you use the Jazz Build Engine.

Attribute Description


The friendly identifier for the build engine (not the UUID).


The host name of the build engine.


The build label that was generated by the Jazz Build Engine. For example, 20080215-1234.


The unique identifier for the build result. Any task that publishes progress or information to a build result must provide this attribute. The value for the attribute is passed to your build script in the ${buildResultUUID} Ant property. For example, you typically see it used like this in the Ant script: buildResultUUID="${buildResultUUID}".


The user identifier (not the UUID) that requested the build.


The unique identifier for the build request.


The friendly identifier for the build definition (not the UUID).


The address of the Jazz repository where the build request originated. For example,


Indicates that the current build is a personal build. The property is only set if the build is a personal build.


All properties that are defined in the build engine editor are available to the Ant script.


All properties that are defined on the Properties page of the build definition editor are available to the Ant script. These properties override the build engine properties if there is a property name conflict.


All properties defined in the Build Properties section of the Request Build dialog box are available to the Ant script. These properties override the build definition properties if there is a property name conflict."

The table below describes built-in properties that are available when you use Build Forge® build engines.

Attribute Description


Whether to create an RTC build result for a build initiated in Build Forge. The default is true.


Whether to collect step logs as each step completes. If false, the logs are only collected at the end of the build. The default is true.


The socket timeout for the socket connection to Build Forge, in seconds. The default is 30.


Whether to check for SCM changes (for scheduled builds only) before starting the build (when using the Jazz Source Control option). The default is true.

Rational Team Concert source control properties for build definitions

The table below describes source control properties that are available on the Jazz Source Control page of a build definition.

Attribute Description


Boolean property corresponding to the Accept latest changes before loading option.


Boolean property corresponding to the Build only if there are changes accepted field.


String property giving the number of changes accepted; only set if changes were accepted.


String property corresponding to the Load rules field.


Boolean property corresponding to the Delete directory before loading option.


Indicates that keywords in text files are to be expanded when encountered. For more information, see ../../


String property corresponding to the Load directory field.


Boolean property indicating whether loadComponents specifies components to include (true) or exclude (false); currently always false.


String property corresponding to the Components to exclude field; comma-separated list of component UUIDs.


The number of threads used to fetch files during a load. If 0 is provided, it uses no background threads (each file is fetched in sequence, in the main build loop thread). The default is 10.


Whether to check for SCM changes (for scheduled builds only) before starting the build (when using the Rational Team Concert™ source control option with Jazz Build Engine). The default is false.


When repository files are loaded, the timestamp from the file in the repository is used as the timestamp on disk (true).


String property giving the snapshot UUID; only set if snapshot was created.


String property corresponding to the Workspace field, or the developer workspace in the case of a personal build; gives the workspace UUID.

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