SHRC messages

Shared classes messages.

JVMSHRC004E   Cannot destroy cache "%s"


The shared class cache could not be destroyed.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Other messages might indicate the reason why the cache has not been destroyed. Investigate these messages.

JVMSHRC005I   No shared class caches available


There are no shared class caches on the system that can be processed by the command requested.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC006I   Number of caches expired within last %1$d minutes is %2$d


This is an information message.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC007I   Failed to remove shared class cache "%s"


The shared class cache could not be removed.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Other messages might indicate the reason why the cache has not been removed. Investigate these messages.

JVMSHRC010I   Shared cache "%s" is destroyed


The shared class cache has been destroyed as requested.

System action

A JVM is not created and a failure message is issued, as expected.

User response

No action is required. This is an information message issued when you destroy a shared class cache.

JVMSHRC012I    Cannot remove shared cache "%s" as there are JVMs still attached to the cache


The shared class cache cannot be removed because a process, or processes, are still attached.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Wait until any processes using the shared class cache have ended and then remove it.

JVMSHRC013E   Shared cache "%s" memory remove failed


The shared class cache cannot be removed because there is shared memory associated with the cache that cannot be removed.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM® service representative.

JVMSHRC014E   Shared cache "%s" semaphore remove failed


The shared class cache cannot be removed because there is a shared semaphore associated with the cache that cannot be removed.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC015E   Shared Class Cache Error: Invalid flag


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC017E   Error code: %d


This message shows the error code relating to a error that will have been the subject of a previous message.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with "-Xshareclasses:nonfatal", in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative, unless previous messages indicate a different response.

JVMSHRC018E   cannot allocate memory


The system is unable to obtain sufficient memory.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC019E   request length is too small


The size requested for the shared class cache is too small.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Increase the size for the shared class cache using the -Xscmx parameter or allow it to take the default value by not specifying the -Xscmx option.

JVMSHRC020E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore


An error has occurred during shared class processing. Further messages might follow, providing more detail.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative, unless subsequent messages indicate otherwise.

JVMSHRC021E   An unknown error code has been returned


An error has occurred during shared class processing. This message is followed by details of the numeric error code returned.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC022E   Error creating shared memory region


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC023E   Cache does not exist


An attempt has been made to open a shared class cache that does not exist.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC024E   shared memory detach error


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC025E   error attaching shared memory


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

If the cache is damaged, the JVM attempts to re-create it. Otherwise the JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC026E   Cannot create cache of requested size: Please check your SHMMAX and SHMMIN settings


The system cannot create a shared class cache of the size requested by the -Xscmx parameter. If -Xscmx is not specified the default is 16MB.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Refer to the product documentation for information about shared memory size limits for your operating system. Restart the JVM with an acceptable shared cache size.

JVMSHRC027E   Shared cache name is too long


The name specified for the shared class cache is too long for the operating system.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Specify a shorter name for the shared class cache and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC028E   Permission Denied


The system does not have permission to access a system resource.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check earlier messages to find the resource that cannot be accessed. Only the user who creates the shared class cache has access to it, unless the -Xshareclasses:groupAccess option is specified. In this case, a user must belong to the same group as the user who created the shared class cache.

JVMSHRC029E   Not enough memory left on the system


There is not enough memory available to create the shared cache memory or semaphore. A previous message indicates the shared cache memory or semaphore concerned.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC030E   The Shared Class Cache you are attaching has invalid header.


The shared class cache you are trying to use is invalid.

System action

If the cache is damaged, the JVM attempts to re-create it. Otherwise the JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC057E   Wrong parameters for expire option


The value specified for the expire parameter of -Xshareclasses is invalid.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Correct the value for the expire option and restart the JVM. The value must be a positive integer.

JVMSHRC058E   Cannot allocate memory for ClasspathItem in shrinit::hookStoreSharedClass


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC059E   Cannot allocate memory for ClasspathItem in shrinit::hookFindSharedClass


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC060E   Cannot allocate memory for string buffer in shrinit::hookFindSharedClass


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC061E   Cache name should not be longer than 64 chars. Cache not created.


The name of the shared class cache specified to the JVM exceeds the maximum length.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Change the shared class cache name so that it does not exceed the maximum allowed length.

JVMSHRC063E   Cannot allocate memory for sharedClassConfig in shrinit


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC064E   Failed to create configMonitor in shrinit


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

This might be due to problems with the operating system. Restart the JVM. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC065E   Cannot allocate pool in shrinit


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC066I   Locking of local hashtables disabled


This message confirms that locking of local hashtables for the shared class cache has been disabled as requested.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The message is issued when verbose messages are requested.

JVMSHRC067I   Timestamp checking disabled


This message confirms that shared classes timestamp checking has been disabled as requested.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The message is issued when verbose messages are requested.

JVMSHRC068I   Local caching of classpaths disabled


This message indicates that the caching of classpaths in the shared class cache has been disabled as requested.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The message is issued when verbose messages are requested.

JVMSHRC069I   Concurrent store contention reduction disabled


This message confirms that shared classes concurrent store contention reduction has been disabled as requested.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The message is issued when verbose messages are requested.

JVMSHRC070I   Incremental updates disabled


This message confirms that shared classes incremental updates have been disabled as requested.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The message is issued when verbose messages are requested.

JVMSHRC071E   Command-line option "%s" requires sub-option


The specified command-line option requires further information.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Update the command-line option and try again.

JVMSHRC072E   Command-line option "%s" unrecognized


The specified command-line option is not recognized.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Correct or remove the invalid command-line option and try again.

JVMSHRC077E   Failed to create linkedListImpl pool in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC080E   Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC082E   Cannot create identifiedMutex in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC083E   Cannot allocate memory for identifiedClasspaths array in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC084E   Cannot allocate memory for linked list item


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC086E   Cannot enter ClasspathManager hashtable mutex


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC087E   MarkStale failed during ClasspathManager::update()


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC088E   Failed to create cache as ROMImageSegment in SH_CacheMap


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC089E   Cannot create refresh mutex in SH_CacheMap


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC090E   Failed to get cache mutex in SH_CacheMap startup


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC091E   Read corrupt data for item 0x%p (invalid dataType)


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC092E   ADD failure when reading cache


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC093I   Detected unexpected termination of another JVM during update


The JVM detected that another JVM ended unexpectedly while updating the shared class cache.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action required. This message is for information only.

JVMSHRC095E   Attempts to call markStale on shared cache items have failed


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC096I   Shared cache "%s" is full. Use -Xscmx to set cache size.


The named shared class cache is full and no further classes can be added to it.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes it contains. However, classes not contained in the cache are loaded from their source.

User response

To gain the full benefit of shared classes, delete and re-create the named cache. Specify a larger shared class cache size using the -Xscmx parameter.

JVMSHRC097E   Shared cache "%s" is corrupt. No new JVMs will be allowed to connect to the cache. Existing JVMs can continue to function, but cannot update the cache.


The shared class cache named in the message is damaged.

System action

The JVM attempts to re-create the cache before starting. If the cache cannot be re-created the JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal.

User response

Remove the shared class cache named in the message and restart the JVM. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC125E   Could not allocate memory for string buffer in SH_CacheMap


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC126E   Request made to add too many items to ClasspathItem


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC127E   SH_CompositeCache::enterMutex failed with return code %d. Warning: your cache may be corrupt.


An error has occurred while trying to update the shared class cache.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC128E   SH_CompositeCache::exitMutex failed with return code %d. Warning: your cache may be corrupt.


An error has occurred while trying to update the shared class cache.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC129E   Attempt to set readerCount to -1!


An error has occurred while trying to update the shared class cache.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC130E   Attempt to allocate while commit is still pending


An error has occurred while updating the shared class cache.

System action

Processing continues, if possible.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC134E   Failed to create pool in SH_ROMClassManagerImpl


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC137E   SAFE MODE: Warning: ROMClass %.*s does not match ROMClass in cache


This message is issued when running shared classes in safe mode and a mismatch in ROMClass bytes is detected. This message will be followed by further details of the class sizes and details of the mismatched bytes.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

None required. This message is for information only. The mismatch in bytes does not mean that an error has occurred, but could indicate, for example, that the class has changed since originally stored in the cache.

JVMSHRC147E   Character %.*s not valid for cache name


The shared class cache name specified to the JVM contains invalid characters.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Correct the shared class cache name so that all characters are valid and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC154E   Escape character %.*s not valid for cache name


An invalid escape character has been specified in a shared class cache name.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Specify a valid escape character. Valid escape characters are %%u for username and %%g for group name. Group name is not valid for Windows.

JVMSHRC155E   Error copying username into cache name


The system could not obtain the username for inclusion in the shared class cache name.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC156E   Error copying groupname into cache name


The system could not obtain the groupname for inclusion in the shared class cache name.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC157I   Unable to allocate %1$d bytes of shared memory requested. Succesfully allocated maximum shared memory permitted (%2$d bytes). (To increase available shared memory, modify system SHMMAX value)


The system could not create a shared class cache of the size requested (1$).

System action

A cache of the maximum size permitted for the system is created. The JVM continues.

User response

If you require a larger cache, remove and re-create the cache, increasing the value of SHMMAX.

JVMSHRC158I   Created shared class cache "%1$s"


A shared class cache with the given name has been created.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is issued when verbose shared class messages are requested.

JVMSHRC159I   Opened shared class cache "%1$s"


An existing shared class cache has been opened.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is issued when verbose shared class messages are requested.

JVMSHRC160E   The wait for the creation mutex while opening semaphore has timed out


An error has occurred with shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

If the condition persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC161E   The wait for the creation mutex while creating shared memory has timed out


An error has occurred with shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

If the condition persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC162E   The wait for the creation mutex while opening shared memory has timed out


An error has occurred with shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

If the condition persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC166I   Attached to cache "%1$s", size=%2$d bytes


The JVM is attached to the cache named 1$, which is 2$ bytes in size.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is issued when verbose shared class messages are requested.

JVMSHRC168I   Total shared class bytes read=%1$lld. Total bytes stored=%2$d


This message details the number of bytes read from the shared classes cache (1$), and the number of bytes stored in the cache (2$).

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is issued when verbose shared class messages are requested, and the JVM ends.

JVMSHRC169I   Change detected in %2$.*1$s... ...marked %3$d cached classes stale


A change is detected in classpath 2$, causing 3$ classes to be marked as "stale" in the shared classes cache.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is issued when verbose shared class messages are requested.

JVMSHRC171E   z/OS cannot create cache of requested size: Please check your z/OS system BPXPRMxx settings


z/OS cannot create a shared classes cache of the requested size.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

If you need a cache of this size, ask your system programmer to increase the z/OS system BPXPRMxx settings.

JVMSHRC172E   Cannot create cache of requested size due to Operating System restrictions


The size of the cache you requested cannot be created by the operating system.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Refer to information about cache size limits in the Java documentation.

JVMSHRC179E   The ROMClass segment has been corrupted. Error reading ROMClass at 0x%p


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC180E   Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in ScopeManagerImpl


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC181E   Cannot enter ScopeManagerImpl hashtable mutex


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC190E   -Xscminaot value should not be greater than -Xscmaxaot value


The value for -Xscminaot cannot be greater than -Xscmaxaot.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Change the value of -Xscminaot to be less than -Xscmaxaot.

JVMSHRC191I   -Xscminaot value is greater than -Xscmx value, so it has been set to equal -Xscmx value


The value for -Xscminaot cannot be greater than -Xscmx.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The value is changed automatically.

JVMSHRC192I   -Xscmaxaot value is greater than -Xscmx value, so it has been set to unlimited


The value for -Xscmaxaot cannot be greater than -Xscmx.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. The value is changed automatically.

JVMSHRC202E   Failed to initialize pools in shared class Manager


An error has occurred while initializing shared classes.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC203E   Cannot create hashtable in shared class Manager


An error has occurred while initializing shared classes.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC204E   Cannot create hashtable mutex in shared class Manager


An error has occurred while initializing shared classes.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC220E   Port layer error code = %1$d


This message shows the last portable error code stored in the J9 Port layer. It indicates the last error encountered.

System action

The JVM ends, unless -Xshareclasses:nonfatal is specified, in which case it continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC221E   Platform error message: %1$s


This message shows the last portable error code stored in the J9 Port layer, indicating the last error encountered.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC222E   Persistent shared class caches cannot be created/used as memory mapping does not support the required capabilities


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC223E   Persistent shared class caches cannot be created/used as file locking is not supported


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC225E   Error obtaining cache file path


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC226E   Error opening shared class cache file


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC227E   Error acquiring shared class cache file header write lock


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC228E   Error updating shared class cache last attached time


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC229E   Error: shared class cache file has an invalid header


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC230E   Error initialising shared cache data header


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC231E   Error setting shared class cache file length


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC232E   Cannot create a cache in readonly mode


An error has occurred within shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the read-only option from the command-line and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC233E   Error creating shared class cache file header


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC234E   Error acquiring shared class cache file attach read lock


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC235E   Error releasing shared class cache file attach read lock


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC236I   Created shared classes persistent cache %1$s


Shared cache %1$s has been created as a persistent cache. This message is produced when -Xshareclasses:verbose is specified.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC237I   Opened shared classes persistent cache %1$s


Shared classes persistent cache %1$s has been opened. This message is produced when -Xshareclasses:verbose is specified.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC241E   Error: unable to delete shared class cache file


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC242E   Error updating shared class cache file last detached time


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC244E   Error obtaining shared class cache file length


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC245E   Error mapping shared class cache file


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC246I   Attached shared classes persistent cache %1$s


Shared classes persistent cache %1$s has been successfully attached to the process. This message might appear multiple times in verbose output.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC247E   Error shared class cache file header eyecatcher is invalid


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC250E   Cache cannot be opened read-only as it has not yet initialized


The cache has not completed initialization and cannot be opened in read-only mode.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Wait until the cache has initialized or remove the read-only option.

JVMSHRC254E   Error setting length of shared class cache file


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC255E   Error updating shared class cache file last detached time on JVM exit


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC256I   Persistent shared cache "%1$s" has been destroyed


The shared cache 1$ has been removed as requested. This message is only issued if verbose shared classes messages has been requested with -Xshareclasses:verbose.

System action

When the cache is removed, the JVM ends.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC257E   Cannot allocate memory for linked list item in Manager


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC258E   Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in Manager


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC259E   Cannot enter Manager hashtable mutex


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC260E   Failed to create pool in ByteDataManager


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC269I   The system does not support memory page protection


Memory page protection is not supported on the runtime platform. This feature is disabled.

System action

Pages of the shared class cache are not protected against accidental corruption.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC271E   Unrecognised sub-option for option mprotect=


The sub-option you provided for mprotect= was not recognized.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Provide a valid sub-option and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC272I   Full memory page protection successfully enabled for cache


Every memory page of the cache has been protected.

System action

If any page of the cache is accessed illegally, the JVM ends.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC273I   Default memory page protection successfully enabled for cache


All memory pages of the cache containing runtime data have been protected.

System action

If any protected page of the cache is accessed illegally, the JVM will end.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC274I   Memory page protection disabled for cache


The cache memory is not protected against accidental corruption.

System action

The cache is not protected.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC277E   To run "%s" utility on nonpersistent class cache "%s", you must also use "nonpersistent" suboption


The JVM cannot run the utility on the nonpersistent cache because it needs the nonpersistent suboption set.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Add the nonpersistent suboption and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC278I   Note that utility "%s" cannot operate on incompatible class cache "%s". Please use a JVM of the correct level.


The JVM cannot run the utility on the cache because it is not compatible.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC282I   The page size of the operating system is incompatible with this cache. Attempting to re-create the cache.


The cache is divided up on page boundaries. If there is a page size mismatch, the cache is unusable.

System action

The JVM tries to remove and re-create the cache.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC284E   Cannot create a cache in readonly mode


An error has occurred with shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the read-only option from your command-line and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC285I   Opened shared class persistent cache %1$s read-only


Shared classes persistent cache %1$s has been opened for read-only access. This message is produced when -Xshareclasses:verbose is specified.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC286I   Opened shared class cache %1$s read-only


Shared classes cache %1$s has been opened for read-only access. This message is produced when -Xshareclasses:verbose is specified.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC287E   Persistent cache cannot be located on a networked file system. Either select "nonpersistent" or a different cacheDir.


An error has occurred with shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Use the "nonpersistent" option.

JVMSHRC291E   Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in ROMClassResourceManager


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC292E   Cannot enter ROMClassResourceManager hashtable mutex


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC296I   Running with option "noCoreMmap" will mean that IBM will be unlikely to assist with any crashes as class data will be missing from system dumps


Without CORE_MMAP set to "yes", the system dumps do not contain the required class data.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

If possible, run with the environment variable CORE_MMAP set to "yes" and remove the "noCoreMmap" option.

JVMSHRC297I   To use persistent shared class caches on AIX, environment variable CORE_MMAP must be set to "yes"


Without CORE_MMAP set to "yes", the system dumps will not contain the required class data.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Set CORE_MMAP or use nonpersistent caches.

JVMSHRC298E   To run "%s" utility on persistent class cache "%s", use the "persistent" suboption


The JVM cannot run the utility on the persistent cache, because the expected type is nonpersistent.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Add the persistent suboption.

JVMSHRC318E   Error recovery: destroying shared memory.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC319E   Error recovery: closing shared memory.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC320E   Error recovery: destroying shared memory semaphores.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC321E   Error recovery: closing shared memory semaphores.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC322E   Failed initializing semaphores for shared class cache. Warning: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and re-create it.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC323E   ERROR: Entering the shared class cache header mutex failed. Warning: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and re-create it.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC324E   ERROR: Exiting the shared class cache header mutex failed. Warning: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and re-create it.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC327E   SH_OSCachesysv::acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait has failed with error %d.


An error occurred waiting on a semaphore.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC328E   System V IPC reported the following error '%s'


An error occurred during the use of System V IPC functions in the JVM.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative if this problem persists.

JVMSHRC329E   SH_CompositeCacheImpl:: enterReadWriteAreaMutex failed to acquire the string table mutex (return code %d).


An error has prevented updates to the shared class cache.

System action

The JVM attempts to continue.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative if this problem persists.

JVMSHRC330E   SH_CompositeCacheImpl::runExitCode failed to acquire the write area mutex (return code %d).


An error has prevented updates to the shared class cache during shutdown.

System action

The JVM attempts to continue the shutdown process.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative if this problem persists.

JVMSHRC334E   Error recovery failed: Destroying shared memory has failed.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Consult the diagnostic information in the Java documentation.

JVMSHRC335E   Error recovery failed: Destroying shared semaphore has failed.


An error has occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Consult the diagnostic information in the Java documentation.

JVMSHRC336E   Port layer error code = %1$d


This message shows the last portable error code stored in the J9 Port layer, indicating the last error encountered.

System action

The JVM ends, unless -Xshareclasses:nonfatal is specified, in which case processing continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC337E   Platform error message: %1$s


This message shows the platform specific error code and message related to the last error that was stored in the J9 Port layer. If the message does not indicate an error, there is probably no platform error associated with this port layer error.

System action

The JVM ends, unless -Xshareclasses:nonfatal is specified, in which case processing continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC338E   Port layer error code = %1$d


This message shows the last portable error code stored in the J9 Port layer, indicating the last error encountered.

System action

The JVM failed to clean up a System V IPC resource during error recovery.

User response

Consult the diagnostic information in the Java documentation.

JVMSHRC339E   Platform error message: %1$s


This message shows the platform specific error code and message related to the last error that was stored in the J9 Port layer. If the message does not indicate an error, there is probably no platform error associated with this port layer error.

System action

The JVM failed to clean up a System V IPC resource during error recovery.

User response

Consult the diagnostic information in the Java documentation.

JVMSHRC340E   Shared Cache CRC check failed. Stored CRC %1$x, calculated CRC %2$x


This message shows the CRC values when the cache startup CRC check fails

System action

The JVM attempts to re-create the cache before starting. If this process fails, the JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC361E   Error while attaching to the shared memory during open/create


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC363E   Cannot allocate api for shared classes in shrinit


An error has occurred in shared class initialization.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC364E   SH_OSCachesysv::acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait on semid %d has failed with error %d.


An error occurred while waiting on a semaphore.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC375E   The cache name is too long when the user name is included. There are %d bytes left in this buffer, and your user name is %d bytes.


The system cannot include the username in the shared class cache name.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC404E   Failed to get a directory for the cache


The directory path requested is bigger than the internal buffer space.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Use a shorter path or cache name.

JVMSHRC405E   Failed to create a directory for the cache


The directory specified for the shared cache could not be created.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Make sure that you have the correct file permissions for the controldir or cachedir chosen.

JVMSHRC428I   Removed older generation of shared class cache "%s"


The older generation of the shared class cache was successfully removed.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC429I   Failed to remove older generation of shared class cache "%s"


The older generation of the shared class cache cannot be removed.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Run with the option -Xshareclasses:verbose enabled to see other messages that might indicate why the cache is not removed.

JVMSHRC430I   Failed to remove current generation of shared class cache "%s"


The current generation of the shared class cache cannot be removed.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Other messages might be issued indicating the reason why the cache is not removed. Investigate these messages.

JVMSHRC434E   Value=%d passed by -Xitsn option is outside of the range of prime number values supported by the VM. Supported range = 0 - %u


The value specified for the -Xitsn option is larger than the biggest prime number supported by the JVM.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Check the value specified by the -Xitsn option on the command line. The supported range is shown in the error message.

JVMSHRC435I   -Xitsn%2$u uses %1$u bytes of memory, which is larger than the shared classes cache size of %3$u bytes


The Shared Intern Table is part of the shared cache, therefore it cannot be larger than the shared cache.

System action

A new Shared Intern Table size is calculated, proportional to the shared cache size. Processing continues.

User response

Check the shared cache size. Check the intern string table node count, which is specified by the -Xitsn option.

JVMSHRC436E   Error acquiring shared class cache file header write lock


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC437E   Error releasing shared class cache file header read lock


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC442E   Shared cache "%s" is corrupt. Corruption code is %d. Corrupt value is 0x%x. No new JVMs will be allowed to connect to the cache. Existing JVMs can continue to function, but cannot update the cache.


The shared class cache is corrupt.

System action

The JVM attempts to re-create the cache before starting. If this process fails, the JVM ends unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal.

User response

Remove the shared class cache and try again. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC443I   Cache CRC is incorrect indicating a corrupt cache. Incorrect cache CRC: 0x%x.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC444I   Read corrupt data for cache entry header 0x%p (invalid item length)


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC445E   Size of cache is too small to be useful. Invalid cache size: 0x%x.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC446E   Failed to acquire header write lock during cache startup with error code: %d.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC447E   Cache header eyecatcher is not valid. Address of eyecatcher string in cache header: 0x%p.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC448E   Cache size field in cache header is not valid. Cache size in cache header is: 0x%x.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC449E   Padding is non zero. Padding bytes in cache header are: %u.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC450E   Data length field in cache header is not valid. Data length in cache header is: %u.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC451E   Data start field in cache header is not valid. Data start address in cache header is: 0x%p.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC457E   Invalid cache name, the cache name "%.*s" contains only whitespace or is empty


The specified shared class cache name contains only white space characters, or no characters.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Change the shared class cache name to include non-whitespace characters, and start the JVM again.

JVMSHRC461E   -Xscminjitdata value should not be greater than -Xscmaxjitdata value


The value for -Xscminjitdata cannot be larger than -Xscmaxjitdata.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Change the value of -Xscminjitdata to be less than or equal to the value of -Xscmaxjitdata.

JVMSHRC462I   -Xscminjitdata value is greater than -Xscmx value, so it has been set to equal -Xscmx value


The value specified for the -Xscminjitdata option cannot be greater than the value for the -Xscmx option.

System action

The value for the -Xscminjitdata option is changed and the JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC463I   -Xscmaxjitdata value is greater than -Xscmx value, so it has been set to unlimited


The value specified for the -Xscmaxjitdata option cannot be greater than the value specified for the -Xscmx option.

System action

The value of the -Xscmaxjitdata option is changed automatically and the JVM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC488E   Total of -Xscminaot and -Xscminjitdata values should not be greater than available cache size


The total value of the -Xscminaot and -Xscminjitdata options cannot be greater than the available cache size.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Change the values of the -Xscminaot and -Xscminjitdata options so that the total of these values does not exceed the available cache size.

JVMSHRC500E   The debug area is corrupt because free space low address %p, is greater than free space high address %p


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC501E   The debug area is corrupt because the 'line number table data' low address %p, is greater than the high address %p


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC502E   The debug area is corrupt because the 'local variable table data' low address %p, is greater than the high address %p


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC503E   The debug area is corrupt because storing 'line number table' %d bytes, and 'local variable table' %d bytes, will result in a 'line number table data' high address of %p, which will be greater than the new 'local variable table data' low address %p


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC504E   Cache data start is null. data start: %p


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC505E   The debug area is corrupt because free space high address %p minus the free space low address %p exceeds the debug region size of %lu bytes


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC506E   The debug area is corrupt because its size of %lu is larger than the total cache size of %u stored in the cache header


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC508E   Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache. old semid=%d, new semid=%d


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC511I   Composite cache has bad initialization flag value. The value of ccInitComplete is %lu


The value of the initialization flag for the composite cache is incorrect.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC514E   Invalid setting for cacheDirPerm option. This must be unix style file permission in the range of 0700 - 0777 or 1700 - 1777 (in octal representation).


The value specified for the cacheDirPerm parameter is not in a valid format.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Run the command again with a valid cacheDirPerm value. Use UNIX-style file permissions in octal representation in the range of 0700 - 0777 or 1700 - 1777.

JVMSHRC517E   Unrecognised sub-option for option printallstats= . Use printallstats=help to see available options.


The suboption provided for printallstats= is not recognized.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Run printallstats=help to see a list of valid options and try again.

JVMSHRC547E   Cannot allocate memory for character array in shrinit


An error has occurred when parsing shared class command-line options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

The system might be low on resources. Try again when the system is more lightly loaded. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC549E   -Xshareclasses:checkStringTableReset may fail. String table is not large enough. It needs to be more than to OS page size. Table size = %d, Page size = %d


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC550E   ROUND_TO_PAGE_SIZE runtime flag is missing. -Xshareclasses:checkStringTableReset requires string table be rounded to page size.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC551E   Cache \"%s\" is marked as full. Failed to allocate block size = %d.


The JVM is unable to store the requested data in the cache because the cache is marked as full.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC552E   Cannot allocate requested block size for cache \"%s\". Available bytes = %d, Requested bytes = %d


There is not enough free memory in the shared class cache to store the amount of data requested.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC557E   Unrecognised sub-option for option printstats= . Use printstats=help to see available options.


The suboption provided for printstats= is not recognized.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Run printstats=help for a list of valid options and try again.

JVMSHRC559E   Failed to create a directory \"%s\" for the shared class cache


The directory specified for the shared class cache could not be created.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Make sure that you have the right permissions for the controldir or cachedir chosen.

JVMSHRC560E   Internal cache name is not proper.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC561E   Failed to initialize the shared classes cache, there is not enough space in the file system. Available free disk space bytes = %lld, requested bytes = %lld.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Increase the amount of space available in your file system and try again.

JVMSHRC562I   Read corrupt data for cache entry header 0x%p (invalid item length of %u bytes)


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC572E   Opening a Realtime cache, which is not compatible with this JVM, use the -Xrealtime JVM option to access this cache


A standard JVM is accessing a real-time cache.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

To use a real-time JVM, specify the -Xrealtime option. If you do not want to use a real-time JVM, use a different cache name.

JVMSHRC590E   The "enableBCI" sub-option was specified but the existing cache was not created with the "enableBCI" sub-option.


An error occurred when processing shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the enableBCI suboption, which is incompatible with this shared classes cache and try again.

JVMSHRC594E   The -Xshareclasses:cacheRetransformed sub-option is incompatible with a shared cache created with the enableBCI sub-option


An error occurred when processing shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the cacheRetransformed suboption, which is incompatible with this shared classes cache and try again.

JVMSHRC595E   Command-line options \"%s\" and \"%s\" are incompatible


The JVM found incompatible suboptions when processing the shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Remove one of the incompatible -Xshareclasses suboptions and try again.

JVMSHRC598E   The raw class data area is corrupt because its size of %lu is larger than the total cache size of %lu.


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC599E   The raw class data area free space is corrupt ('free space start'=%p, 'free space end'=%p, 'free size'=%lu bytes)


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC600E   The raw class data area is corrupt because storing %u bytes will exceed the available area free space ('free space start'=%p, 'free space end'=%p).


An error has occurred in shared class processing.

System action

The cache is marked as corrupt and the JVM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC605E   The memory size for \"%s\" is too large, or specifies units other than 'K','M', or 'G'.


The memory size is too large, or specifies units other than K, M, or G.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Correct or remove the incorrect command-line option and try again.

JVMSHRC611E   The "disableBCI" sub-option is specified but the existing cache was created with the "enableBCI" sub-option.


An error occurred when processing shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the disableBCI suboption, which is incompatible with this shared classes cache and try again.

JVMSHRC613E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Control file is found to be corrupt.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC614E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Mismatch in semaphore ID.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC615E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Mismatch in semaphore key.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC616E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Mismatch in number of semaphores in the semaphore set.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC617E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Semaphore marker not found in the semaphore set.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC618E   Semaphore control file is not readable.


The JVM cannot read the semaphore control file.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check that the semaphore control file has read/write permissions and try again. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC619E   Semaphore control file is read only.


The semaphore control file has only read permission.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check that the semaphore control file has read/write permissions and try again. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC620E   Error opening shared memory region. Control file is found to be corrupt.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC621E   Error opening shared memory region. Mismatch in shared memory ID.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC622E   Error opening shared memory region. Mismatch in shared memory key.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC623E   Error opening shared memory region. Check for group id failed.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC624E   Error opening shared memory region. Check for user id failed.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC625E   Error opening shared memory region. Check for shared memory size failed.


An error occurred during shared class processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check any messages that follow, which might indicate the problem. For further assistance, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC626I   Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed when retrieving cache stats.


This message provides information only.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC627I   Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed when running in read-only mode.


This message is for information only.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC628E   Shared memory control file is not readable.


The JVM cannot read the shared memory control file.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check that the shared memory control file has read/write permissions and try again. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC629E   Shared memory control file is read only.


The shared memory control file has only read permission.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Check that the shared memory control file has read/write permissions and try again. If the situation persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC630I   Space is full for storing non-AOT/non-JIT data, such as classes, in shared cache \"%s\".


The available space for storing non-AOT/non-JIT data, such as classes, in the named shared classes cache is full. No further data can be added.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes that are stored. However, classes that are not contained in the cache are always loaded from their source.

User response

To gain the full benefit of shared classes, delete and re-create the named cache, specifying a larger shared class cache size with the -Xscmx parameter.

JVMSHRC631I   Space reserved for AOT data in shared cache \"%s\" is full. Use -Xscminaot to increase space reserved for AOT data.


The available space for storing AOT data in the named shared classes cache is full. No further AOT data can be added.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes that are stored. However, no more AOT compiled methods can be added to the cache.

User response

To allow the JVM to store more AOT compiled methods into the shared classes cache, increase the value that is specified by the -Xscminaot option.

JVMSHRC632I   Space reserved for JIT data in shared cache \"%s\" is full. Use -Xscminjitdata to increase space reserved for JIT data.


The available space for storing JIT data in the named shared classes cache is full. No further JIT data can be added.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes that are stored. However, no more JIT-related data can be added to the cache.

User response

To allow the JVM to store more JIT-related data into the shared classes cache, increase the value that is specified by the -Xscminjitdata option.

JVMSHRC633E   The "-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile" option was specified but the existing cache was not created with the "-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile" option.


An error occurred when processing shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the incompatible option and try again.

JVMSHRC634E   The "-XX:-StoreIntermediateClassfile" option was specified but the existing cache was created with the "-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile" option.


An error occurred when processing shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the option -XX:-StoreIntermediateClassfile from the command line to use the existing shared classes cache.

JVMSHRC637E   The -Xshareclasses:cacheRetransformed sub-option is incompatible with an existing BCI enabled shared cache.


An error occurred when processing shared class options.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Remove the incompatible suboption and try again.

JVMSHRC638I   Cache creation with the cacheRetransformed option forces disableBCI mode.


When you use the option -Xshareclasses:cacheRetransformed, the shared cache that is created does not support Byte Code Instrumentation (BCI). Using this option is equivalent to setting -Xshareclasses:disableBCI.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is for information only.

JVMSHRC639E   Only shared cache utility options can be used in combination with -Xmt. Put other shared cache options in the javad.options file.


Shared cache runtime options must be specified in the javad.options file. The javad process must be restarted before any shared classes cache options take effect.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Replace the incompatible -Xshareclasses option with a -Xshareclasses utility option and try again.

JVMSHRC646E   The JVM could not check the permissions of the semaphore set associated with the shared cache.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC647E   The JVM detected effective user id of the process is the owner but not the creator of semaphore set associated with the shared cache. JVM will not attach to the shared cache to prevent accessing unintended shared cache.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Delete the existing shared classes cache and restart to create a new shared classes cache.

JVMSHRC648E   The JVM is not configured to access semaphore set associated with existing non-persistent shared class cache. To attach to the non-persistent shared class cache, use 'groupAccess' sub-option.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Modify the existing -Xshareclasses option to add a groupAccess sub option and start again.

JVMSHRC649E   The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache's semaphore set created and owned by another user not in its group.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Specify a different cache name or directory to avoid a conflict with the existing shared classes cache. This cache was created by another user that is not in the same group.

JVMSHRC650E   The JVM could not check the permissions of the shared memory associated with the shared cache.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC651E   The JVM detected effective user id of the process is the owner but not the creator of shared memory associated with the shared cache. JVM will not attach to the shared cache to prevent accessing unintended shared cache.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Delete the existing shared classes cache and restart to create a new shared classes cache.

JVMSHRC652E   The JVM is not configured to access shared memory associated with existing non-persistent shared class cache. To attach to the non-persistent shared class cache, use 'groupAccess' sub-option.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Modify the existing -Xshareclasses option to add the groupAccess sub option and try again.

JVMSHRC653E   The JVM is not configured to access shared memory associated with existing non-persistent shared class cache. To attach to the non-persistent shared class cache, use 'groupAccess' and 'readonly' sub-option.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Modify the existing -Xshareclasses option to add the groupAccess and readOnly sub options and try again.

JVMSHRC654E   The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache's shared memory region created and owned by another user not in its group.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Specify a different cache name or directory to avoid a conflict with an existing shared classes cache. This cache was created by another user that is not in the same group.

JVMSHRC656E   The JVM is not configured to access shared cache file. To attach to the shared class cache, use 'groupAccess' suboption.


An error occurred within shared classes processing.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Modify the existing -Xshareclasses: option to add the groupAccess suboption, then restart the Java VM.

JVMSHRC657E   The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache file because the JVM process's user ID and group ID are different from the shared cache file owner's user ID and group ID, and the JVM process's user ID does not belong to the shared cache file owner's group.


An error occurred within shared classes processing.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Specify a different cache name or directory to avoid conflict with an existing shared cache that is created by another user who is in a different group.

JVMSHRC658E   The JVM could not check the permissions of the shared cache file.


An error occurred within shared classes processing.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC659E   An error has occurred while opening shared memory


An error occurred in shared class processing. Further messages might follow, providing more detail.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative, unless subsequent messages indicate otherwise.

JVMSHRC660E   The JVM failed to associate semaphore set id=%d with the shared class cache.


This message displays the ID of the semaphore set that the Java VM failed to associate with the shared class cache due to an error that is indicated in previous messages.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

Use the ipcrm command to remove the semaphore set that is indicated in the error message, if it still exists and is not in use.

JVMSHRC661E   The JVM failed to associate shared memory id=%d with the shared class cache.


This message displays the ID of the shared memory that the Java VM failed to associate with the shared class cache due to an error that is indicated in previous messages.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

Use the ipcrm command to remove the shared memory that is indicated in the error message, if it still exists and is not in use.

JVMSHRC662E   Error recovery: destroyed semaphore set associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred in shared class processing, and as part of error recovery the Java VM destroyed the semaphore set that was associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM detected an error during shared class processing and destroyed the semaphore set in an attempt to recover.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC663I   Error recovery: destroyed semaphore set with id=%d associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred in shared class processing, and as part of error recovery the Java VM destroyed the semaphore set that as associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM detected an error during shared class processing and destroyed the semaphore set in an attempt to recover.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC664E   Error recovery failed: Failed to destroy the semaphore set with semid=%d associated with shared class cache. Only creator or owner or user with administrative privileges can destroy the semaphore set.


An error occurred in shared class processing. The Java virtual machine's attempt to destroy the semaphore set as part of error recovery failed because the operating system allows only the creator, owner, or a user with administrative privileges to destroy the semaphore set.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC665E   Error recovery failed: Failed to destroy the semaphore set with semid=%d associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred in shared class processing. The Java virtual machine's attempt to destroy the semaphore set as part of error recovery failed.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC666E   Error recovery: destroyed shared memory associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred in shared class processing and as part of error recovery the Java VM destroyed the shared memory that was associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM detected an error during shared class processing and destroyed the shared memory in an attempt to recover.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC667I   Error recovery: destroyed shared memory with id=%d associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred in shared class processing and as part of error recovery the Java VM destroyed the shared memory that was associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM detected an error during shared class processing and destroyed the shared memory in an attempt to recover.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC668E   Error recovery failed: Failed to destroy the shared memory with shmid=%d associated with shared class cache. Only creator or owner or user with administrative privileges can destroy the shared memory.


An error occurred in shared class processing. The Java virtual machine's attempt to destroy the shared memory as part of error recovery failed because the operating system allows only the creator, owner, or a user with administrative privileges to destroy the shared memory.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC669E   Error recovery failed: Failed to destroy the shared memory with shmid=%d associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred in shared class processing. The Java virtual machine's attempt to destroy the shared memory as part of error recovery failed.

System action

The Java VM ends, unless you specified the nonfatal option by using the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal parameter, in which case the Java VM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC670I   Error recovery: attempting to use shared cache in readonly mode if the shared memory region exists, in response to "-Xshareclasses:nonfatal" option.


An error occurred in shared class processing. The presence of the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option causes the Java VM to attempt to use the shared cache in read-only mode.

System action

The Java VM attempts to attach to the shared memory segment of the shared class cache in read-only mode if it exists.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC671E   User is not allowed to destroy the semaphore set with semid=%d. Only creator or owner or user with administrative privileges can destroy the semaphore set.


The operating system allows only the creator, owner, or a user with administrative privileges to destroy the semaphore set.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC672E   Failed to destroy semaphore set associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred while destroying the semaphore set that is associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC673E   Failed to destroy semaphore set with semid=%d associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred while destroying the semaphore set that is associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC674E   User is not allowed to destroy the shared memory with shmid=%d. Only creator or owner or user with administrative privileges can destroy the shared memory.


The operating system allows only the creator, owner, or a user with administrative privileges to destroy the shared memory.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC675E   Failed to destroy shared memory associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred while destroying the shared memory that is associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC676E   Failed to destroy shared memory with shmid=%d associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred while destroying the shared memory that is associated with the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC677E   Port layer error code = %1$d


This message shows the last portable error code that is stored in the J9 Port layer. This message indicates the last error that was encountered.

System action

The Java VM failed to clean up a System V IPC resource.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC678E   Platform error message: %1$s


This message shows the platform-specific error code and message that is related to the last error that was stored in the J9 Port layer.

System action

The Java VM failed to clean up a System V IPC resource.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC679E   Error recovery failure: Failed to remove the semaphore set control file %s associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred during shared class processing. The Java virtual machine's attempt to remove the control file as part of error recovery failed.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

If the Java VM fails to start, remove the control files manually.

JVMSHRC680E   Error recovery failure: Failed to remove the semaphore set control file %s associated with shared class cache.


An error occurred during shared class processing. The Java virtual machine's attempt to remove the control file as part of error recovery failed.

System action

The Java VM continues.

User response

If the Java VM fails to start, remove the control files manually.

JVMSHRC681E   System limit for maximum number of semaphores or the system wide maximum number of semaphores has been reached.


The Java VM failed to create a new semaphore set for the shared class cache because the system limit was reached.

System action

If you specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, the Java VM tries to use an existing shared class cache in read-only mode. If the cache does not exist, the Java VM continues without the shared class cache. If you did not specify the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, the Java VM ends.

User response

Contact your system administrator to increase the system limit on semaphore resources, or clean up any unused semaphore sets in the system then restart the Java VM.

JVMSHRC682E   System limit for maximum number of shared memory regions or system-wide limit on memory allocated to shared memory regions has been reached.


The Java VM failed to create a new shared memory region for the shared class cache because the system limit was reached.

System action

If you specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option the Java VM continues without the shared class cache, otherwise the Java VM ends.

User response

Contact your system administrator to increase the system limit on shared memory resources, or clean up any unused shared memory regions in the system then restart the Java VM.

JVMSHRC683E   System limit on the total number of open files has been reached.


The Java VM failed to create a new control file for the shared class cache because the system limit was reached.

System action

If you specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option and this error occurred when creating a semaphore control file, the Java VM tries to use an existing shared class cache in read-only mode. If the cache does not exist, the Java VM continues without the shared class cache. If this error occurred when creating a shared memory control file, the Java VM continues without the shared class cache. If you did not specify the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, the Java VM ends.

User response

Contact your system administrator to increase the system limit on maximum open files, or close any unused files then restart the Java VM.

JVMSHRC684E   An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Control file could not be locked.


An error has occurred in shared class processing. Further messages might follow, providing more detail.

System action

If you specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, the Java VM tries to use an existing shared class cache in read-only mode. If the cache does not exist, the Java VM continues without the shared class cache. If you did not specify the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, the Java VM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative, unless subsequent messages indicate otherwise.

JVMSHRC685E   An error has occurred while opening shared memory. Control file could not be locked.


An error occurred in shared class processing. Further messages might follow, providing more detail.

System action

If you specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, the Java VM continues without the shared class cache, otherwise the Java VM ends.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative, unless subsequent messages indicate otherwise.

JVMSHRC686I   Failed to startup shared class cache. Continue without using it as -Xshareclasses:nonfatal is specified


An error occurred during shared class cache start. You specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, so the Java VM will continue without using the shared class cache.

System action

The Java VM continues without the shared class cache.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative to understand why the shared class cache could not be started. Previous error messages might indicate the reason.

JVMSHRC687E   A new shared class cache cannot be created when running with -Xshareclasses:readonly option


An error occurred during shared class cache start. The Java VM cannot create a new shared class cache when the -Xshareclasses:readonly option is specified.

System action

The Java VM ends unless you specified the -Xshareclasses:nonfatal option, in which case the Java VM continues without the shared class cache.

User response

Remove the readonly suboption from the -Xshareclasses option, then restart the Java VM. The readonly suboption is useful only if the shared class cache already exists.

JVMSHRC697E   Failed to get a directory for the shared cache


The directory path requested is bigger than the internal buffer space.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation of creating a snapshot of the non-persistent shared cache.

User response

Use a shorter directory path or cache name.

JVMSHRC698I   Non-persistent shared cache \"%s\" has been restored successfully from the snapshot


The non-persistent shared cache is successfully restored from the snapshot.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC699E   Failed to restore the non-persistent shared cache \"%s\" from the snapshot


An error occurred when the JVM attempted to restore the non-persistent cache.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation of restoring a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Other messages might indicate the reason why the cache cannot be restored from the snapshot.

JVMSHRC700I   Snapshot of non-persistent shared cache \"%s\" has been created


The JVM successfully created the snapshot of an existing non-persistent shared cache.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC701E   Failed to create a snapshot of non-persistent shared cache \"%s\"


An error occurred when the JVM attempted to create a snapshot of a non-persistent shared cache.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation of creating the snapshot of a non-persistent shared cache.

User response

Other messages might indicate the reason why the snapshot failed to be created.

JVMSHRC702I   Failed to get a directory for the shared cache snapshot


The directory path that is requested is bigger than the internal buffer space.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the required operation on the shared cache snapshot.

User response

Use a shorter directory path or cache name.

JVMSHRC703E   Failed to open the shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to open the shared cache snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the required operation on the shared cache snapshot file.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for this failure. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC704E   Port layer error code = %1$d


This message shows the last portable error code that was encountered.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the required operation on the shared cache snapshot.

User response

A later message might provide more information about this error code and the action that can be taken. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC705E   Platform error message: %1$s


This message shows the platform-specific error code and message that relates to the last portable error code that was encountered. This code might indicate a success message, in which case there is probably no associated platform error.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the required operation on the shared cache snapshot file.

User response

If an appropriate action cannot be determined from the error message, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC706E   Failed to acquire file lock on the shared cache snapshot file


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to acquire a file lock on the shared cache snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the required operation on the shared cache snapshot file.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for the failure. If not, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC707E   Failed to acquire the mutex of cache \"%s\"


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to acquire a cache mutex.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation of creating the snapshot of a non-persistent shared cache.

User response

Verify that the system has enough native resources for the JVM. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC708E   Failed to truncate the existing non-persistent shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to truncate the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason. Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC710E   Failed to write into the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to write to a non-persistent shared cache snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for the failure, for example, the disk might be full. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC711E   Failed to reposition the offset of the file descriptor in the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to reposition the offset of the file descriptor in the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation of creating the snapshot of a non-persistent shared cache.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for the failure. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC713E   Failed to get the length of the shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to obtain the length of the snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to complete the operation of destroying a shared cache snapshot.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for the failure. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC714I   No shared cache snapshots available


There are no snapshots present in the cacheDir that can be processed by the command requested.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC715I   Removed older generation of shared cache snapshot \"%s\"


The JVM successfully removes an older generation of the indicated shared cache snapshot.

System action

JVM processing continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC716I   Failed to remove older generation of shared cache snapshot \"%s\"


The JVM is unable to remove the older generation of the indicated shared cache snapshot.

System action

JVM processing continues.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for the failure. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC717I   Failed to remove current generation of shared cache snapshot \"%s\"


The JVM is unable to remove the current generation of the indicated shared cache snapshot.

System action

The JVM fails to remove the snapshot of a shared cache.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for this failure. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC718E   Shared cache snapshot does not exist


The JVM attempts to remove a shared cache snapshot that does not exist.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC719I   Shared cache snapshot \"%s\" is destroyed


The named shared cache snapshot is removed, as requested.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC720I   Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed when creating a snapshot of the cache


The JVM cannot create a snapshot of the shared cache because a valid shared cache does not exist.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC721E   The JVM is not configured to access the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file \"%s\". To open the file, use 'groupAccess' sub-option.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Modify your -Xshareclasses: option to add the groupAccess suboption and try again. The snapshot might have been created by another user in the same group as the current user.

JVMSHRC722E   The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache snapshot file \"%s\" because the JVM process's user ID and group ID are different from the shared cache snapshot file owner's user ID and group ID, and the JVM process's user ID does not belong to the shared cache snapshot file owner's group.


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Specify a different cache name or directory. This action avoids a conflict with an existing shared cache snapshot that was created by another user that is not in the same group.

JVMSHRC723E   The JVM could not check the permissions of the shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC724E   Shared cache snapshot file \"%s\" does not exist


The shared cache snapshot file is not found on the disk.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC725E   The length of the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file \"%s\" is invalid. The length of the file is %lld bytes. A valid snapshot file is at least %d bytes and at most %lld bytes.


The length of the file is not valid

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Check that the file is a valid shared cache snapshot file.

JVMSHRC726E   Non-persistent shared cache \"%s\" already exists. It cannot be restored from the snapshot.


Only a new non-persistent shared cache can be restored from a snapshot.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Check that the non-persistent cache does not exist before restoring the cache from the snapshot.

JVMSHRC727E   An error has occurred in creating the new non-persistent shared cache


The JVM cannot start the new cache.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Verify that the system has enough native resources for the JVM. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC728E   Failed to read the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file \"%s\"


An error occurs when reading the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Previous error messages might indicate the reason for the error. If this is not the case, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC729E   The snapshot was created by a different JVM build and doesn't match the running JVM


An error occurs when the JVM attempts to start the restored cache. The build ID in the snapshot is different from the ID of the current JVM.

System action

The JVM fails to restore a non-persistent shared cache from the snapshot.

User response

Use a JVM that matches the snapshot, or destroy the snapshot.

JVMSHRC730I   The JVM has created shared cache with '-Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths' option. Subsequent JVM invocations will not be able to store classpaths into the shared cache


When the -Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths option is used, subsequent JVMs cannot store class paths into the shared cache unless they are running with the -Xshareclasses:allowClasspaths option.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC731I   The JVM has ignored '-Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths' option as the existing shared cache was created without '-Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths' option


-Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths is applicable only when the JVM is initializing a new shared cache.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

For this option to be effective you must remove the existing shared cache and restart the JVM.

JVMSHRC732I   The JVM can store classpaths into the shared cache created with '-Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths' option


The JVM can store class paths into the shared cache because the -Xshareclasses:allowClasspaths option is also specified.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC733I   The JVM cannot store classpaths into the shared cache, since the cache was created with the '-Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths' option


The JVM attaches to an existing shared cache created with the -Xshareclasses:restrictClasspaths option.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

No action is required. This message is only for information.

JVMSHRC735I   Use a %d-bit JVM to perform the requested operation on the %d-bit shared cache \"%s\" as the %d-bit JVM cannot verify that the shared memory was created by the JVM


The JVM cannot verify the size of the shared cache. The requested operation is not carried out to avoid accidental access to shared memory of another application.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

You must use a JVM that has the same address mode as the shared cache to carry out the requested operation.

JVMSHRC743E   Invalid method specification(s) for option \"%s\"


The method specification provided was not recognized.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Specify a valid method specification and try again.

JVMSHRC744I   Invalidated the %d AOT method(s)


Successfully found the AOT method(s) and performed the required operation.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

No action is required. This message is for information only.

JVMSHRC745I   Revalidated the %d AOT method(s)


Successfully found the AOT method and performed the required operation.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

No action is required. This message is for information only.

JVMSHRC746I   Found the %d AOT method(s)


Successfully found the AOT method and performed the required operation.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

No action is required. This message is for information only.

JVMSHRC747E   Failed to invalidate the AOT method(s)


An error occurred while performing the requested operation on the AOT method.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Previous messages might indicate the reason for the error. Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC748E   Failed to revalidate the AOT method(s)


An error occurred while attempting the requested operation on the AOT method.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Previous messages might indicate the reason for this error. Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC749E   Failed to find the AOT method(s)


An error occurred while attempting the requested operation on the AOT method.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Previous messages might indicate the reason for this error. Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC750I   No AOT methods match the method specification(s)


There are no AOT methods in the cache that match the method specification.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

No action is required.

JVMSHRC751E   Failed to parse the method specifications. No more than %d method specifications are allowed.


Too many method specifications are specified.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Reduce the number of method specifications and try again. The maximum limit is 64.

JVMSHRC752E   Failed to parse the method specification(s)


An error occurred while parsing the method specification.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Correct the format of the method specification and try again.

JVMSHRC753E   Failed to get the cache write mutex


An error occurred when acquiring the write mutex of the cache.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

Verify that the system has enough native resources for the JVM to work properly. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC754I   Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed.


The required operation cannot complete because a valid shared cache does not exist.

System action

The JVM ends.

User response

None required.

JVMSHRC756W   Failed to set group access permission on the shared cache file as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option.


Cannot set the group access permission when creating the new cache with sub-option groupAccess. This problem might be caused by setting umask incorrectly.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

Check the umask setting and ensure that the user has sufficient permission for creating the new cache with group access.

JVMSHRC757W   Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the semaphore set with semid=%d associated with shared class cache.


Cannot set the group access permission when creating the new semaphore with sub-option groupAccess.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

Ensure the user has sufficient permission for creating the new semaphore with group access.

JVMSHRC758W   Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared memory with shmid=%d associated with shared class cache.


Cannot set the group access permission when creating the new shared memory with sub-option groupAccess.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

Ensure that the user has sufficient permission for creating the new shared memory with group access.

JVMSHRC759W   Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the semaphore control file associated with shared class cache.


Cannot set the group access permission when creating the new control file with sub-option groupAccess. This problem might be caused by the setting umask incorrectly.

System action

The VM continues.

User response

Check the umask setting and ensure that the user has sufficient permission for creating the semaphore control file with group access.

JVMSHRC760W   Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared memory control file associated with shared class cache.


Cannot set the group access permission when creating the new control file with sub-option groupAccess. This problem might be caused by the setting umask incorrectly.

System action

The VM continues.

User response

Check the umask setting and ensure that the user has sufficient permission for creating the shared memory control file with group access.

JVMSHRC761W   Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared cache snapshot file.


Cannot set the group access permission when creating the snapshot of a non-persistent shared cache with sub-option groupAccess. This problem might be caused by setting the umask incorrectly.

System action

The VM continues.

User response

Check the umask setting and ensure that the user has sufficient permission for creating the shared memory control file with group access.

JVMSHRC762E   Error getting stats of the shared class cache file when verifying its group access permission.


An error has occurred during shared classes processing.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

JVMSHRC763E   All shared classes sub-options in total should not be longer than %u chars.


The -Xshareclasses sub-options exceed the maximum length.

System action

The JVM ends, unless you have specified the nonfatal option with -Xshareclasses:nonfatal, in which case the JVM continues without using shared classes.

User response

Ensure the -Xshareclasses sub-options are not longer than the maximum length and retry.

JVMSHRC764E   Unable to create shared memory of size %1$d bytes as requested \n \


The system has not been able to create a shared class cache of the size requested (1$). A cache of the maximum size permitted on your system (2$) is created instead. This message is specific to Linux systems.

System action

The JVM continues.

User response

If you require a larger cache, destroy this cache, increase the value of SHMMAX, and re-create the cache.

JVMSHRC765I   Memory page protection on runtime data, string read-write data and partially filled pages is successfully enabled


Memory pages of the cache that contain runtime data, string read/write data, and partially filled pages, are protected.

System action

If any protected page of the cache is accessed illegally, the Java VM crashes.

User response

No action required.

JVMSHRC766I   Memory page protection on runtime data and partially filled pages is successfully enabled


Memory pages of the cache that contain runtime data and partially filled pages are protected.

System action

If any protected page of the cache is accessed illegally, the Java VM crashes.

User response

No action required.

JVMSHRC767I   Memory page protection on runtime data and string read-write data is successfully enabled


Memory pages of the cache that contain runtime data and string read/write data are protected.

System action

If any protected page of the cache is accessed illegally, the Java VM crashes.

User response

No action required.

JVMSHRC768I   Memory page protection on runtime data is successfully enabled


Memory pages of the cache that contain runtime data are protected.

System action

If any protected page of the cache is accessed illegally, the JVM will crash.

User response

No action required.

JVMSHRC769I   The JVM has enabled shared cache partial page protection as the existing shared cache was created with partial page protection enabled.


The Java VM is attached to an existing shared cache, which was created with partial protection enabled. Any Java VM attaching to an existing shared cache enables partial page protection, irrespective of command line options.

System action

The Java VM protects both partially filled pages and full pages in the shared class cache.

User response

Remove the existing shared cache and restart the Java VM. This action makes the -Xshareclasses:mprotect=nopartialpages or -Xshareclasses:mprotect=none option effective.

JVMSHRC770I   The JVM has disabled protecting partially filled pages. If -Xshareclasses:mprotect=onfind is specified, it is also ignored.


The Java VM is attached to an existing shared cache that was created with the -Xshareclasses:mprotect=nopartialpages option. Any JVM attaching to this type of cache disables partial page protection, irrespective of command line options.

System action

The Java VM protects only full pages in the shared class cache. Partially filled pages are not protected.

User response

Remove the existing shared cache and restart the Java VM. By default, the Java VM protects partially filled pages in the shared cache after the startup phase.

JVMSHRC771I   Enable memory protection of partially filled pages. On z/OS it is equivalent to 'partialpagesonstartup'.


The -Xsoftmx limit set for shared cache usage has been reached and no data can be added to the shared cache.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes it contains. However, classes not contained in the cache will always be loaded from their source.

User response

Increase the -Xsoftmx limit if the user wants more data to be added to the shared cache.

JVMSHRC772I   The softmx limit for shared cache \"%s\" usage is reached. Use option \"%s\" to increase the softmx limit.


The -Xsoftmx limit set for shared cache usage has been reached and no data can be added to the shared cache.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes it contains. However, classes not contained in the cache will always be loaded from their source.

System action

Increase the -Xsoftmx limit if user wants more data to be added to the shared cache.

JVMSHRC773I   The space for AOT data in shared cache \"%s\" is full.


The space for AOT data in the named shared class cache is full and no further AOT data can be added to it. If the shared cache is not full, either the maximum space allowed for AOT data or the -Xsoftmx limit set for shared cache usage is reached.

System action

The JVM continues. The named shared cache is still operational and continues to provide increased performance for loading the classes it contains. However, no more AOT compiled methods can be added to the cache.

User response

If the shared cache is not full, the maximum space allowed for AOT data can be increased by using the -Xshareclasses:adjustmaxaot option. If the -Xsoftmx limit for shared cache usage is reached, you can increase it by using the -Xshareclasses:adjustsoftmx option. You can also increase the minimum space reserved for AOT data by using the -Xshareclasses:adjustminaot option.