Exporting Site Builder templates to other servers

Site Builder administrators can export published Site Builder templates to other servers that run Site Builder. People working on those servers use the Site Builder templates to create websites or to design similar Site Builder templates. Only administrators can export Site Builder templates. Website creators do not see the import and export actions when they use Site Builder.

About this task

To copy a site template or section template to another server, use the Export action under the Site Builder template name. There are two export options:
  • To copy a Site Builder template to a virtual portal on the same host, you can export the Site Builder template and import all necessary files immediately to the virtual portal.
  • Otherwise, export the Site Builder template to a file, copy the file to the other Portal server, and use the Import Site Template action on the target server.
Note: The site template name or section template name cannot exist on the target server or it does not display in the list of Site Builder templates on that server.

Exporting collects the site or section structure, the page templates, and any required libraries that you added to the template. Portlets and themes are not included because they are included with base portal.