Remember: You
can find the sources for style sheets in the following JAR file:
WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/cell_name/Common.ear/connections.web.resources.war/WEB-INF/eclipse/plugins/ - contains
the IBM Collaboration Solutions
OneUI 3.0.x toolkit that includes image resources and sprites.
- is
only found in one application, Common.ear/connections.web.resources.war
WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/cell_name/application_name.ear/application_name.war/WEB-INF/eclipse/plugins/ The file
contains CSS style sheets that extend or override default styles from
the OneUI 3.0.x toolkit.
- WAS_HOME is the directory where IBM WebSphere® Application
Server is installed.
- profile_name is the profile where you installed IBM Connections.
- cell_name is the cell where you installed the
- application_name.ear is the name of the application
EAR file. To customize interface styles that are common to all applications,
use the Common.ear file.
- application_name.war is the name of the application
WAR file.
- version is the version number of the IBM Connections release plus the
date and build number of the JAR file.
Note: In previous releases of IBM Connections, the default style sheets were
in the nav subdirectory of the WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/cell_name/application_name.ear/application_name.war directory.
That location is deprecated in this release.
following table identifies the source files for each user interface