Creating work managers for Search

When you add a new node to your deployment after installing IBM® Connections, you need to manually create Search work managers for the newly-added node.

About this task

When you install IBM Connections, the following work managers are automatically created for Search on each node in your deployment:
Handles the work involved in crawling the seedlists to persist them to disk.
Handles the work for the file content retrieval and conversion task.
Handles the work involved in processing the entries in persisted seedlists into Lucene documents.

If you subsequently add a new node, you need to create these work managers manually. For more information about creating work managers, see the WebSphere Application Server information center.


To create work managers for Search, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the IBM WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Select Resources > Asynchronous beans > Work managers.
  3. Select the node where you want to create the work managers from the All scopes list and then click New.
    Note: The scope should be the node itself, not the server running on the node. For example, "Node1", not "Node1, InfraCluster_server1".
  4. Enter one of the following display names in the Name field:
    Table 1. JNDI Names
    Work manager Name
    SearchIndexingWorkManager SearchIndexingWorkManager
    SearchCrawlingWorkManager SearchCrawlingWorkManager
    SearchDCSWorkManager SearchDCSWorkManager
  5. Enter one of the following values in the JNDI Name field:
    Table 2. JNDI Names
    Work manager JNDI Name
    SearchIndexingWorkManager wm/search-indexing
    SearchCrawlingWorkManager wm/search-crawling
    SearchDCSWorkManager wm/search-dcs
  6. Select all the options under Service names.
  7. Specify the following values under Thread pool properties:
    Table 3. Thread pool property settings
    Thread pool property Value
    Number of alarm threads 5
    Minimum number of threads 1
    Maximum number of threads 10
    Thread Priority 5
  8. Deselect the Growable check box and then click OK to save your configuration.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 to create each of the three work managers required on the node.