Preparing for installing IBM XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1.5

To prepare for installing IBM® XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1.5, do the following tasks:
  • Consult the product README files for any last-minute updates.
  • Familiarize yourself with the installation image, which contains the installable compiler packages.
  • Ensure that system prerequisites are met and that all required software packages are installed.
  • Become either the root user or a user with administrator privileges.

Upgrading the Community Edition of the XL C/C++ compiler

On SLES, RHEL, and CentOS

If you are using the Community Edition of the XL C/C++ compiler on SLES, RHEL, or CentOS, use one of the following options to upgrade it to a full product version:
  • Use install to install the full product version of the XL C/C++ compiler as described in Basic installation.
  • Alternatively, upgrade your Community Edition as follows:
    1. Install the license packages using the following command:
      rpm -Uvh xlc-license.13.1.5-*.ppc64le.rpm 
    2. Run the xlc_configure utility to accept the license if it is not accepted, and reconfigure the compiler.

On Ubuntu

If you are using the Community Edition of the XL C/C++ compiler on Ubuntu, use one of the following options to upgrade it to a full product version:
  • Use install to install the full product version of the XL C/C++ compiler as described in Basic installation.
  • Alternatively, upgrade your Community Edition as follows:
    1. Install the license packages using the following command:
      dpkg -iG xlc-license.13.1.5_*_ppc64el.deb 
    2. Run the xlc_configure utility to accept the license if it is not accepted, and reconfigure the compiler.

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