Advanced installation

It is highly recommended that you install IBM® XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1 to the default location and use the procedure provided in Basic installation. However, you must use alternative procedures if any of the following scenarios applies to you:
  • You want to maintain more than one version of IBM XL C/C++ for Linux in a nondefault location on the same system.
  • You want to update an existing version of IBM XL C/C++ for Linux that is installed in a nondefault location.
  • You want to try out a new update of the compiler before removing an existing installation from the default location.

In all of these scenarios, you can use the rpm utility to install the compiler packages; you can also use the xlc_install utility to install the compiler packages to a single, nondefault location. After you have successfully installed the compiler packages to a nondefault location using the rpm utility, you need to manually configure the compiler environment using the new_install or xlc_configure utility. If you use the xlc_configure utility instead of the new_install utility to configure an installation that is not PTF updates, before you run the xlc_configure utility, you must manually run the IBM License Acceptance Process (LAP) tool to review and accept the license. For the instructions about using the LAP tool, see Running the IBM License Acceptance Process (LAP) tool. For configuration procedures, see Configuring IBM XL C/C++ for Linux, V13.1 (for advanced users).

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