Creating groups in the WebSphere Application Server repository

The groups RDMRole_* are used for the user interface. The group mdm is associated with the service provider and consumer role. If you must access server-side functions, you must become a member of the mdm group.

Before you begin

Start the administrative console and log in.

About this task

If you are using the WebSphere Application Server File Repository, groups are created by the installer. If using LDAP, these groups must be created in the LDAP Repository. Consult your LDAP administrator.


  1. Browse to Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
  2. To show the existing groups, click Search.
  3. In the Manage Groups section, click Create.
  4. On the Create a Group page, add the following groups. Click Create after adding each group.
    • RDMRole_Administrators
    • RDMRole_All
    • RDMRole_Approvers
    • RDMRole_Approvers2
    • RDMRole_Custom
    • RDMRole_Integrators
    • RDMRole_Stewards
    • crm
    • enterprise
    • mdm

Last updated: 22 Mar 2017