Batch export command parameter options

You specify the command-line options when you run the batch export command.

The general format of the options for the parameters is:
option = value
where option is one of the following names in lowercase.

Option arguments

The prop argument is the path of the .properties file and is applicable to all export types. It is an optional parameter. An example of this option is prop = C:\Projects\BatchClient\

The format argument overrides the output file format that is specified in the .properties file for these options only:
  • hier, unless hierarchy export type is set to tree, and then .csv is not supported.
  • map
  • ms
  • rds
  • rdt (or allrdt)
These options support an .xml file format only. You cannot include format = csv in the command line parameters or the .properties file for these options:
  • folders
  • mh
  • sl
An example of this option is format = xml.
Note: Options on the command line are separated by blank spaces instead of commas. If the value includes a space (blank) character, then the value string must be wrapped in quotation marks ("). For example, rds = "My Set". If the value includes a quotation mark ("), it must be escaped with a back slash (\) character. For example, rds = "My \"Quoted\" Set". Special characters should not be used in data set names.


Exports a list of all folders to a file in XML format. When used, this parameter is the only one specified on the command line.

For example, folder = filename.xml

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a folder list.

folder = MyFolderList.xml
prop = C:\BatchClient\
The folders option supports an .xml file format only. You cannot include format = csv in the command line parameters or the .properties file.


Hierarchy export also requires the rds parameter. When you export a hierarchy, the properties that set hierarchy_export need to be defined to either list or tree to indicate how the export should be structured.

Name of the Hierarchy that is targeted for export. This parameter is required.

For example, hier = MyHierarchy

Identifies the version of the Hierarchy. This parameter is required.

For example, version = 1

Defines the state of the Hierarchy. This parameter is required.

For example, state = Approved

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a hierarchy.

rds = MyDataSet 
hier = MyHierarchy 
version = 1 
state = Approved 

Advanced or managed hierarchy

Name of the advanced or managed hierarchy that is targeted for export.

For example, mh = MyAdvancedHierarchy

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting an advanced or managed hierarchy.
mh = MyAdvancedHierarchy 
The mh option supports an .xml file format only. You cannot include format = csv in the command line parameters or the .properties file.


Name of the reference map that is targeted for export. This parameter is required.

For example, map = MyMap

Identifies the version of the mapping. This parameter is required.

For example, version = 3

Defines the state of the mapping. This parameter is required.

For example, state = Approved

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a Map.

map = Mymap 
version = 3 
state = Approved 
prop = C:\BatchClient\

Reference data set

Name of the reference data set that is targeted for export. This parameter is required.

For example, rds = MyDataSet

Identifies the version of the data set. This parameter is required.

For example, version = 3

Defines the state of the data set. This parameter is required.

For example, state = Approved

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a reference data set.

rds = MyDataSet 
version = 3 
state = Approved 
prop = C:\BatchClient\ 
subscriptions = true

Set list

Exports a list of all reference data sets and their set level properties to a file. When you export a set list, the log file is exported to \setlist. The export file is placed there as well, unless the value for the sl option provides a full path to the export file.

For example, sl = C:\Projects\BatchClient\setlistoutput.xml

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a set list.

sl = mySetList
prop = C:\BatchClient\ 
The sl option supports an .xml file format only. You cannot include format = csv in the command line parameters or the .properties file.

Data type

Exports a single data type.

For example, rdt = CountryDataType

Exports all the data types on the server. The value that you assign is used to create the .csv, .xml, and .log files.

For example, allrdt = AllDataTypes

You can specify format = csv or format = xml.
The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a single data type.
rdt = CountryDataType 
The following example shows the command parameters for exporting all of the data types on the server.
allrdt = AllDataTypes 

Managed system

Exports a single managed system and its properties.

For example, ms = MyManagedSystem

The following example shows the command parameters for exporting a managed system.

ms = MyManagedSystem 
prop = C:\BatchClient\

Last updated: 23 October 2014