Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Operational server environment variables

A set of environment variables must be set to fully enable the virtual MDM command-line utilities.

To change the following variables, set them in the environment. The values are not set automatically.

Attention: Although the variables listed here resemble the variables that are set within the file, none of the following environment variables are maintained in a configuration file.
Table 1. Operational server environment variables
Environment variable Description

This value is used for command-line tools that connect directly to the operational server. Although there is no default value, a value is required.

The format depends on the value of the MAD_CTXLIB environment variable:

If MAD_CTXLIB is ODBC, the format is DSN;UID;PWD, for example, MAD_CONNSTR="DSN=mydsn;UID=foo;PWD=bar"

If MAD_CTXLIB is MPINET, the format is protocol|hostname|port|locale, where:
  • protocol is the way you connect to the operational server (http or https)
  • hostname is the name or IP address of the machine where the operational server is installed
  • port is the port number used by the operational server
  • locale is the language used by the operational server

For example, MAD_CONNSTR="http|localhost|9080|en"

Use the MPINET connection string if another process is using this string; for example, MBTS.

Microsoft Windows Server requires the pipe delimiter to be escaped (by using the symbol ^) when the MAD_CONNSTR environment variable is set within a cmd.exe shell. For example:
set MAD_CONNSTR=protocol^|hostname^|port^|locale

UNIX and Linux system example:
export MAD_CONNSTR=protocol|hostname|port|locale


The context library type. Specifies one of the following connection modes:

ODBC. Communicate with the MDM database directly without going through another server layer. This mode is used for batch operations and upgrades. Only bulk cross match and server-based diagnostic utilities work in ODBC mode.

MPINET. Wire protocol for communication between client applications and the operational server. Essentially, a client application initiates contact with the operational server. The operational server in turn processes the business logic and communicates with the database on behalf of the client. This mode is used for programs that conduct individual transactions rather than batch operations.


Optional. Native database name. Passed to the database bulk-load utilities by the madhubload, madhubunload, madload, madunload, and maddbx utilities. MAD_DBNAME is only set when the database is Oracle and when the database is on a different server than the operational server.


Optional. Native database password. Passed to the database bulk-load utilities by the madhubload, madhubunload, madload, madunload, and maddbx utilities.


Optional. Native database server. MAD_DBSERVER is only set when the database is SQL Server and when the database is on a different server than the operational server.


Optional. A command that is run by the virtual MDM native database utilities on the instantiation of a connection.


Native database type. Can be oracle, db2, db2z, or mssqlu.


Native database user ID. Passed to the database bulk-load utilities by the madhubload, madhubunload, madload, madunload, and maddbx utilities.


Default location and name for the .ddl file. The .ddl file is the Data Definition file that is used by the operational server command-line utilities. If not set, the madhub* and madent* utilities make assumptions about the location of the .ddl file.

The MAD_DDLFILE variable is valid for use with the maddbx utility.


Default character encoding of the files that are processed by the command-line utilities.

MAD_ENCODING does not appear in the configuration files by default.

Log files that are created by the operational server are in ASCII encoding. Code points not encompassed by ASCII are in the standard Unicode form of U+XXXX.

Options are LATIN1, UTF8, UTF16BE, UTF16LE. Default: LATIN1


Sets the default object code for the command-line utilities. (Multiple codes are supported). Options include disc, mem, and aud.


Sets the operational server root directory. This variable is set by the installer inside the application server configuration. The MAD_ROOTDIR directory contains the bin, lib, scripts, and other directories that are required for the command-line utilities.

The variable can represent two possible paths: MDM_INSTALL_DIR or WAS_PROFILE_DIR.

When running command-line tools, the value of the environment variable corresponds to MDM_INSTALL_DIR.

When the deployed operational server uses the value, it corresponds to WAS_PROFILE_DIR; this is the value that the installer writes into the JVM custom properties for the WebSphere® Application Server as mad.root.dir.


Optional. Used by the native code to control globalization.

The smtCodeList property gets set in the file and controls the Java™ portion of the code that runs in the WebSphere Application Server.

Both values default to en_US if not specified.


Default location and name for the .sto file that is used to indicate storage options for the native database. The file is used by the operational server command-line utilities. These files are dependent on the database server that is being used.

If not set, the madhub* and madent* utilities make assumptions about the location of the .sto file.

The MAD_STOFILE variable is valid for use with the maddbx utility.


Table prefix that is used by the operational server command-line utilities.

The table creation, load, and unload utilities apply the variable when set; however, not all parts of the operational server apply it. For example, JDBC-based access does not use this variable.

To access a database without ANSI ownership prefixed to the table name, you must use RDBMS synonyms or some similar facility.

It is possible to use the MAD_DBPFX environment variable to work with database backup images for which the object owner password is unknown.


Default table suffix that is used by the operational server command-line utilities for the entity-specific tables. For example, _id, _pr, _og.


Default directory that is used by the operational server command-line utilities for the unload files (.unl files).


Sets the default field separator for .unl files. The default is !.


This variable is not used by the operational server. However, it can be used by the InfoSphere® MDM Message Brokers and InfoSphere MDM Web Reports.

Host level configuration file; setup through Microsoft Windows My Computer > Properties

Last updated: 2 Nov 2018