Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Working with the hybrid MDM composite view

Administrators of hybrid MDM can use two different hybrid composite view functions that provide the views of the virtual MDM person and organization entities. The functions are HybridPerson (for persons) and HybridOrg (for organizations).

About this task

The hybrid MDM composite views allow virtual MDM data to account for uniqueness constraints provided by physical MDM business keys and for any external validations that are defined. Stated another way, the MDM survivorship rules are enforced by the hybrid MDM composite views. By doing so, the hybrid composite views govern which values for a virtual MDM entity get persisted in the physical MDM database.

Business keys are used in hybrid MDM to determine the uniqueness of an attribute such as name or address. They play a key role in determining when an attribute is updated or created in physical MDM. The business key of a particular attribute is made up of one or more fields that uniquely identify the entity. For example, if the business key defined for person names is the name usage type, then the composite view ensures that there is only one name per name type. However, if the business keys consist of name type, first name, and last name, then the composite view can include more than one name for each name type if the first and last names are different. In the course of persisting and updating attributes from virtual MDM to physical MDM, business keys allow the persistEntity transaction to determine whether the data to be added to physical MDM is new or an update to existing information. To do so, the hybrid MDM composite view function specifically includes the virtual MDM attributes that correspond to the physical MDM business keys. The hybrid MDM composite views leverage an internal metadata service to determine which business keys are defined for attributes in physical MDM. As a result, the changes to the business key definitions in physical MDM are automatically applied to the hybrid MDM composite view function itself.

Note: The number of current attributes must be always set to zero for hybrid MDM composite views.
Note: For a business object that is mapped between virtual and physical MDM, all attributes with business key designation must also be mapped.

External validations that are defined in physical MDM allow the validation of user input before you update or add a record. For example, you might create an external rule to make a certain field mandatory or to enforce the minimum length of a given attribute. To ensure that the virtual MDM entity can be fully persisted, the hybrid composite view needs to account for external validations that are defined in physical MDM as well. If necessary, modify the hybrid composite view to reflect any constraints that are imposed by physical MDM external validations.

In physical MDM, certain code types have the max_allowed_num parameter in their code tables which would limit the number of values allowed for that code type. For example, party identification code types for D-U-N-S® Number and AbiliTec key in CDIDTP table may have the max_allowed_num set to 1, meaning there can be at most one active value for those party identification types. The other code tables that have the max_allowed_num field are CDNAMEUSAGETP and CDORGNAMETP. In general, the max_allowed_num fields are not automatically taken into account in the hybrid composite view. Therefore, any max_allowed_num set in the code tables must be accounted for independently in the hybrid MDM composite view to ensure that entities can be fully persisted.

Last updated: 14 Jul 2014