Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Preparing the virtual MDM for persistence

Before you persist data from the virtual MDM to physical MDM, verify that the virtual MDM data is compatible with the data structures in the physical MDM.

About this task

The preparation steps assume that you already managed data on virtual MDM source systems. This management includes basic cleansing, data mapping (including mapping any reference data content), transforming, and de-duplication of data on the virtual MDM source systems.

Preparing the virtual MDM requires that you:
  • Ensure that the virtual data includes any attributes that the physical MDM considers mandatory.
  • Confirm that the reference data values in the virtual MDM align with reference data values in the physical MDM code tables. For example, confirm whether to use United States, United States of America, U.S.A., or some other value. If United States of Americais used for the Country field in addresses in virtual MDM, then there must be a corresponding code type with the same value in the code table for country codes in physical MDM.
  • Ensure that for person records in virtual MDM, for gender type, the only valid values are M for male, Ffor female, or Ufor unknown.
  • Verify that the virtual MDM data uses formats consistent with the physical MDM data. In particular, all date fields must have a correct date format, yyyy-mm-dd (for example, 2012-11-14). This list includes person birth date, deceased date, identification and charge card expiry dates, and organization established date.

Last updated: 14 Jul 2014