Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Deploying InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server using https ports

For certain circumstances, you may want to deploy InfoSphere® MDM Collaboration Server using https ports.


  1. Deploy InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server with http port, for example http://....:7507 and ensure it is up and running.
    Note: In this example, the application server name is qa1_7507 and the vhost name is qa1_vhost.
  2. Enable the vhost for the https port. Perform the following steps:
    1. Open the WebSphere® Application Server console, for example server1.
    2. Log into the WebSphere Application Server console.
    3. Look up the https port number for this instance on the Configuration page. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > qa1_7507.
    4. In the Communications section, expand Ports. Search for WC_defaulthost_secure to get the port number, for example 9444.
    5. Enable this port by adding a vhost. Expand Environment, click Virtual hosts > qa1_vhost.
    6. In the Additional Properties section, click Host Aliases.
      Note: Unless you have already created this port in the vhost list, you should not see anything in the listed aliases.
    7. Click New... and add the new port, for example 9444.
      Note: Do not modify the host name. Keep the default host name (*).
    8. Click Apply > OK. Verify that the new vhost is created successfully, for example 9444.
  3. Enable the application server for the https port. Perform the following steps:
    1. Go back to the application server and click the application server name, for example qa1_7507.
    2. Expand Web Container Settings and click Web container transport chains.
    3. Click WCInboundDefaultSecure. This resource is disabled and associated with the secure port, for example 9444.
    4. Check the Enable box, then click Apply > Save.
      Note: After you have saved, ensure the Web container transport chains console shows that WSInboundDefaultSecure is now enabled.
  4. Enable the cookies for the https port. Perform the following steps:
    1. In the Container Settings section, click Session management.
    2. Click the Enable cookies link.
    3. Check the box Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions
    4. Click Apply > OK.
  5. Restart the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server services.
  6. Log into InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server using the https port, for example http://....:9444.
    Note: If there is a message similar to There is a problem with this website's security certificate, click Continue to this website and you should see the log in page.
  7. Verify that you are able to log in.

Last updated: 8 Mar 2016