Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

EIA Trigger Filter variable

The Outbound Broker populates messages with all member data available at time of message creation. Multiple events can occur for a single member during a polling interval. This scenario can result in a message that contains information that might not have been available at the time of the trigger event. Use the EIA trigger filter variable to determine whether you want your downstream system to receive only the data that was available at the time of the trigger event.

When set to true, all member data introduced after the EntXeia trigger event is filtered from the outbound message. When set to false, all member data available at message creation time is used to compose the outbound message. The default value is false.

Microsoft Windows variable:
true or false; the default is false
Linux or UNIX variable:
true or false; the default is false
Used by:
Outbound Broker

Last updated: 27 June 2014