Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Addition and extension testing

When the Workbench generates artifacts from a model, it creates a sample transaction request XML file for each entity, transient data object, and entity extension defined within the model.

The Workbench places the sample XML request format files in a subfolder named <projectName>/resources/sampleRequest.

You can use the XML request files to test transactions defined within the model using the InfoSphere® MDM XML-over-RMI interface. The format of the sample request varies according to the object type.

Table 1. Sample request formats
Object type Sample request format
Entity The sample request contains an Add Record transaction for the entity.

To successfully run the transaction, you must fill in the required fields with sample data.

Transient data object The sample request contains a transaction that uses the transient data object as the TCRMTxObject. It will not set a value for the TCRMTxType.
To successfully run the transaction, you must:
  • Set the TCRMTxType attribute to a transaction name that takes the transient data object as a request object.
  • Fill in the required fields with sample data.
Entity extension The sample request contains the XML for the extension data object inside a TCRMExtension container.
To successfully run the transaction, you must:
  • Copy this XML object into a request XML document that contains a transaction that uses the entity being extended as the request object.
    Note: To determine exactly where to place the TCRMExtension object in the request, refer to the schema in the <projectName>/resources directory.
  • Fill in the required fields with sample data.

You can run the generated sample transaction requests using the Transaction Launcher utility.

The Transaction Launcher utility is a tool that runs transaction request XML to help simplify the testing of additions and extensions. You can use the Transaction Launcher utility to run any XML transaction on the server. It is not restricted to deployment of the Workbench-generated sample transactions.

Last updated: 20 Aug 2014