Preparing for reinstallation after failed uninstallation on AIX systems

Learn how to clean an AIX® system if uninstallation of WSRR fails. After running the uninstallation program, complete these manual steps to remove registry entries that can prevent you from reinstalling the product into the original directory.

Before you begin

Complete this procedure only if you attempted to uninstall WSRR using the Installation Manager and that the procedure was not completed successfully.

Determine the install_root directory for the product so that you remove the correct product and produce a clean system.

Using the Installation Manager and the Profile Management Tool you can specify your own locations for installation root directories. Examine the following files to determine the actual locations:
  • The install_root/logs/manageprofiles/profile_name_create.log file for each created profile identifies the installation location .
Uninstalling the product leaves the profile_root directory, including the profile_root/logs file, where profile_root represents the installation location of the profile. It leaves the install_root/logs directory as well.

About this task

Reinstalling the product into a new directory when files remain from a previous installation can create a coexistence scenario. However, you can delete all files and registry entries to completely remove WSRR. With a clean system you can reinstall the product into the original directory without coexistence.

Important: This procedure describes how to remove any artifacts that might be left behind after uninstallation of both WSRR and WebSphere® Application Server or WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. The WebSphere Application Server product addressed is assumed to be the one underlying the installation of WSRR.

Complete the following procedure to produce a clean system.


  1. Log on with the same user ID that was used to installed the product.
  2. Use the kill command to stop all Java™ processes that are running.
    If you are running Java processes that are not related to WSRR or WebSphere Application Server products and it is not possible to stop them, stop all WSRR and WebSphere Application Server product-related processes. Use the following command to determine all processes that are running:
    ps -ef | grep java
    Stop all WSRR and WebSphere Application Server product-related processes with the kill command:
    kill -9 java_pid_1java_pid_2 ...java_pid_n
  3. Delete any of the following files or directories that might still remain:











    Where INSTALL_LOC is the installation location where you have a failed uninstallation.


This procedure results in system without any trace of a deleted installation and so is ready to have WSRR reinstalled.

What to do next

After you have cleaned your system, go to Installing the software to choose an installation procedure.