@LeftBack (Formula Language)

Searches a string from right to left and returns a substring.


@LeftBack( stringToSearch ; numToSkip ) or @LeftBack( stringToSearch ; startString )



Text or text list. The string where you want to find the leftmost characters.


Number. Counting from right to left, the number of characters to skip. All the characters to the left of that number of characters are returned. If the number is negative, the entire string is returned.


Text. A substring of stringToSearch. All the characters to the left of startString are returned.

Return value


Text or text list. The leftmost characters in stringToSearch. The number of characters returned is determined by either numToSkip or startString.


If the first parameter is a list, the function operates on each element of the list, and the return value is a list with the same number of elements.


  1. This example returns Lennard Wall.
    @LeftBack("Lennard Wallace";3)
  2. This example returns Lennard.
    @LeftBack("Lennard Wallace"; " ")
  3. This example returns Timothy Alt if the string in the Author field is Timothy Altman.
  4. This example returns Lenn and Wall in a list.
    @LeftBack("Lennard" : "Wallace"; 3)

Language cross-reference

StrLeftBack function of LotusScript® language

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