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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

Examples: Deftype statements

DefInt a-z
' x is declared explicitly, with no type.

Dim x
Print TypeName(x) ' Output: INTEGER
' Ñ is declared explicitly, with no type.
Dim Ñ
Print TypeName(Ñ) ' Output: INTEGER
' y is declared explicitly, with the String type.
' The specified type overrules the DefInt statement.
Dim y As String
Print TypeName(y) ' Output: STRING
' b is declared implicitly, with the String type.
' The suffix character $ overrules the DefInt statement.
b$ = "Rebar"
Print TypeName(b$) ' Output: STRING
' sNum is declared implicitly, which makes it Integer by
' default because DefInt a-z is in effect.
sNum = 17.6
Print TypeName(sNum), sNum ' Output: INTEGER 18
' because LotusScript rounds when
' converting to type Integer.
Related topics
Deftype statements

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009