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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

CLng function

Returns a value converted to the Long data type.


CLng ( expr )



Any numeric expression, or a string expression that LotusScript can convert to a number.

Return value

CLng returns the value of expr rounded to the nearest integer, as a Long value.

CLng(EMPTY) returns 0.

If expr is a string expression, CLng returns the numeric representation of the string, rounded to the nearest integer. If LotusScript cannot convert the string to a number, the function raises an error.

If the value of expr is too large to fit in the Long data type, the function raises an error.

Language cross-reference

@Integer function in formula language

@TextToNumber function in formula language

See examples

Examples: CLng function
Related topics
LotusScript Language Reference: A through D
Data type conversion
Long data type
CBool function
CByte function
CCur function
CDat function
CDbl function
CInt function
CSng function
CStr function
CVar function
Fix function
Int function
Round function

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009