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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

Automatic data type conversion

LotusScript can automatically convert values from one data type to another. Automatic, or implicit data type conversion happens when:

Note It is not always possible to convert values. If the conversion is not possible, a type mismatch error is raised.

Note It is highly recommended that you use explicit conversion as much as possible to avoid unexpected results.

Example 1

' This example illustrates the automatic conversion

' of decimal numbers to integers that happens when you perform
' integer division and when you assign a decimal number value
' to an integer variable.
Dim anInt As Integer

Dim aDouble As Double
' Do floating-point division.
anInt% = 12/7
Print anInt%
' Output: 2
aDouble# = 12/7
Print aDouble#
' Output: 1.71428571428571
' Do integer division.
anInt% = 12\7
Print anInt%
' Output: 1
aDouble# = 12\7
Print aDouble#
' Output: 1

' Do floating-point division.
anInt% = 12.5/2
Print anInt%
' Output: 6
aDouble# = 12.5/2
Print aDouble#
' Output: 6.25

' Do integer division.
anInt% = 12.5\2
Print anInt%
' Output: 6
aDouble# = 12.5\2
Print aDouble#
' Output: 6

Example 2

In this example, the value 1.6 is assigned to X. Since X is a variable of type Integer, 1.6 is converted to an integer before the assignment takes place. Conversion of floating-point values (Single and Double values) to integer values (Integer and Long values) rounds the value to the nearest integer, which is 2 in this case.

When 1.5 is assigned to Y, LotusScript rounds it to 2, the nearest even integer. A floating-point value exactly halfway between two integer values is always rounded to the nearest even integer value. So the value 2.5 is also rounded to 2 when it is assigned to Z. A value of 3.5 would be rounded to 4, a value of -3.5 would be rounded to -4, and so on. A value of .5 or -.5 is rounded to 0.

Dim X As Integer

Dim Y As Integer
Dim Z As Integer
X% = 1.6
Print X%
' Output: 2
Y% = 1.5
Print Y%
' Output: 2
Z% = 2.5
Print Z%
' Output: 2

Example 3

This example illustrates the way in which LotusScript handles data type conversion in Variant variables to accommodate numeric values.

Dim sumV As Variant

Dim sInt As Integer
sInt% = 42
sumV = sInt%
Print TypeName(sumV)
' Output: INTEGER

' Assign the largest integer value to sInt%.
sInt% = 32767
sumV = sInt% + 1
' LotusScript converts sumV to a Long to prevent
' an overflow.
Print TypeName(SumV)
' Output: LONG

Example 4

This example shows how LotusScript does number-to-string and string-to-number conversion when a Variant variable is an operand in an operation involving the + operator, which can be used for both addition and string concatenation.

Dim aVariantV As Variant

aVariantV = 1040
Print TypeName(aVariantV)
' Output: INTEGER
Print aVariantV + "A"

' Output: 1040A
' because "A" is a string and 1040 can be interpreted as a string.
aVariantV = "43"
Print TypeName(aVariantV)
' Output: STRING
Print aVariantV + 5
' Output: 48
' because 48 is a number and 5 can be interpreted as a number.
Related topics
Data Types, Constants, and Variables
DataType function
Data type conversion

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009