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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1


Extracts and returns the year from the specified time-date value.


@Year( time-date )



Time-date or time-date list. The time-date of the year you want.

Return value


Number or number list. The year of time-date. @Year returns the year relative to the time zone in which the date was generated. Returns -1 if the time-date provided contains only a time value and not a date.


If the parameter is a list, the function operates on each element of the list, and the return value is a list with the same number of elements.

Language cross-reference

Year function of LotusScript language

See examples

Examples: @Year
Related topics
Performing time-date operations

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009